voting machine
Смотреть что такое "voting machine" в других словарях:
voting machine — ☆ voting machine n. a machine on which votes in an election are cast, registered, and counted … English World dictionary
Voting machine — Election technology Certification of voting machines Independent Testing Authority (ITA) NVLAP VVSG End to end auditable voting systems Help America Vote Act Independent verific … Wikipedia
voting machine — noun a mechanical device for recording and counting votes mechanically • Hypernyms: ↑mechanical device * * * noun, pl ⋯ chines [count] : a machine that you use to cast a vote and that records and counts all of the votes made for each possible… … Useful english dictionary
voting machine — UK [ˈvəʊtɪŋ məˌʃiːn] / US [ˈvoʊtɪŋ məˌʃɪn] noun [countable] Word forms voting machine : singular voting machine plural voting machines a machine that records and counts the votes in an election … English dictionary
voting machine — voting ma.chine n a machine that records votes as they are made … Dictionary of contemporary English
voting machine — noun Any machine used in place of a paper ballot. In the model used in the US the voters mark their choice by switching levers and then pulling the master switch to reset the machine and place their vote … Wiktionary
voting machine — A machine used by voters in expressing their choice of candidates or their preference for or against propositions or measures submitted at an election, the same keeping the totals of the votes cast for the various candidates and measures, so that … Ballentine's law dictionary
voting machine — vot|ing ma|chine [ voutıŋ mə,ʃin ] noun count a machine that records and counts the votes in an election … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
voting machine — noun (C) a machine that records votes as they are made … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
voting machine — vot′ing machine n. gov a mechanical or electronic apparatus used in a polling place to register and count the votes • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
voting machine — noun Date: 1900 a mechanical device for recording and counting votes cast in an election … New Collegiate Dictionary