voluntary society
Смотреть что такое "voluntary society" в других словарях:
Voluntary society — A voluntary society, voluntary community or voluntary city is one in which all property (including streets, parks, etc.) and all services (including courts, police, etc.) are provided through voluntary means, such as private or cooperative… … Wikipedia
Voluntary People's Druzhina — ( ru. Добровольная Народная Дружина, Д НД, Dobrovolnaya Narodnaya Druzhina, DND) variously translated as Voluntary People’s Guard, People’s Volunteer Squads, People s Volunteer Militia, etc. were voluntary detachments for maintaining public order … Wikipedia
Society of Moral Charities — is a voluntary welfare organisation in Singapore. It is the welfare arm of Thye Hua Kwan Moral Society.In 2005, the Society was selected by Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports (MCYS) to manage a new early help centre for autistic… … Wikipedia
Voluntary Sports Societies of the Soviet Union — Voluntary Sports Societies (VSS) of the USSR ( ru. Добровольные спортивные общества (ДСО) СССР) were the main structural parts of the universal sports and physical education system, that existed in the USSR between 1935 and 1991, together with… … Wikipedia
Voluntary Euthanasia Society — Voluntary Eu|tha|na|si|a So|ci|e|ty, the an organization in the UK which aims to change the law that forbids helping seriously ill people to die if they wish to. There is a similar organization in the US called the Hemlock Society … Dictionary of contemporary English
society — so·ci·e·ty /sə sī ə tē/ n pl ties 1: the benefits of love, care, affection, and companionship that family members receive from each other sought damages for loss of society from his wife s wrongful death compare consortium 2: a voluntary… … Law dictionary
Society and Defence — or Folk och Försvar is a Swedish non governmental organisation which acts as a forum for debate over defence and national security issues in Sweden. It has other organisations rather than individuals as its members. The membership, of about 50,… … Wikipedia
Voluntary sector — Economic sectors Three sector hypothesis Primary sector: raw materials Secondary sector: manuf … Wikipedia
voluntary — 1 adjective 1 voluntary work/service etc work etc that is done by people who do it because they want to, and without expecting any money for it: When she retired she did a lot of voluntary work for the Red Cross. | on a voluntary basis:… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Society — A society is a population of humans characterized by patterns of relationships between individuals that share a distinctive culture and institutions. More broadly, a society is an economic, social and industrial infrastructure in which a varied… … Wikipedia
Society of the People's Republic of China — The People s Republic of China, the world s largest society, is united by a set of values and institutions that cut across extensive linguistic, environmental, and subcultural differences. Chinese society, since the second decade of the twentieth … Wikipedia