volumetric displacement meter

volumetric displacement meter
объемный расходомер

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "volumetric displacement meter" в других словарях:

  • Positive displacement meter — A positive displacement meter is a type of flow meter that requires the fluid being measured to mechanically displace components in the meter in order for any fluid flow to occur. Positive displacement (PD) flowmeters make volumetric flow… …   Wikipedia

  • Displacement Volumetric Meter — A Displacement Volumetric Meter is a device which measures total volume. It can operate on the principle of the fluid sweeping out a fixed calibrated volume, which produces a rotation of a calibrated gauge. By maintaining constant conditions and… …   Wikipedia

  • Engine displacement — One complete cycle of a four cylinder, four stroke engine. The volume displaced is marked in orange. Engine displacement is the volume swept by all the pistons inside the cylinders of an internal combustion engine in a single movement from top… …   Wikipedia

  • Gas meter — A gas meter is used to measure the volume of fuel gases such as natural gas and propane. Gas meters are used at residential, commercial, and industrial buildings that consumes fuel gas supplied by a gas utility. Gases are more difficult to… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow measurement — is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive displacement flow meters acumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow… …   Wikipedia

  • ГОСТ 15528-86: Средства измерений расхода, объема или массы протекающих жидкости и газа. Термины и определения — Терминология ГОСТ 15528 86: Средства измерений расхода, объема или массы протекающих жидкости и газа. Термины и определения оригинал документа: 26. Акустический преобразователь расхода D. Akustischer Durch flußgeber E. Acoustic flow transducer F …   Словарь-справочник терминов нормативно-технической документации

  • Custody transfer — in the oil and gas industry refers to the transactions involving transporting physical substance from one operator to another. This includes the transferring of raw and refined petroleum between tanks and tankers; tankers and ships and other… …   Wikipedia

  • analysis — /euh nal euh sis/, n., pl. analyses / seez /. 1. the separating of any material or abstract entity into its constituent elements (opposed to synthesis). 2. this process as a method of studying the nature of something or of determining its… …   Universalium

  • Tonnage — Not to be confused with Ton. Tonnage is a measure of the size or cargo carrying capacity of a ship. The term derives from the taxation paid on tuns or casks of wine, and was later used in reference to the weight of a ship s cargo; however, in… …   Wikipedia

  • Naturally aspirated engine — A naturally aspirated engine is one common type of reciprocating piston internal combustion engine that depends solely on atmospheric pressure to counter the partial vacuum in the induction tract to draw in combustion air. This is in contrast to… …   Wikipedia

  • Hydraulic machinery — are machines and tools which use fluid power to do work. Heavy equipment is a common example.In this type of machine, high pressure hydraulic fluid is transmitted throughout the machine to various hydraulic motors and hydraulic cylinders. The… …   Wikipedia

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