volume label
Смотреть что такое "volume label" в других словарях:
volume label — tomo žymė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. data carrier label; volume label vok. Datenträgeretikett, n; Datenträgerkennsatz, m rus. метка тома, f pranc. marque du volume, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
volume label — tomo vardas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Atminties ↑tomo pavadinimas. Suteikiamas ↑ženklinant tomo diską. Vėliau galima pakeisti su failų tvarkytuve. Matomas dirbant su failais. Pateiktame paveiksle tomas pavadintas žodynėliu.… … Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas
volume label — ● ►en loc. m. ►DISQUE En français on peut dire label de volume , ou nom de volume . Nom de 11 caractères que l on peut donner sous MS DOS aux disquettes et aux disque dur … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone
volume label — In many operating systems, the name assigned to a disk by the user, displayed on the first line of a directory listing. The Macintosh, on which disks are often referred to by name, uses the term volume name instead … Dictionary of networking
Volume label — Метка тома … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
volume label — logical name given to each disk at the time of startup (Computers) … English contemporary dictionary
Volume — [dt. »Band« (einer Buchausgabe)] das, einzelner magnetischer Datenträger in einer Serie, insbesondere ein Magnetband oder eine Diskette; auch ein Bereich einer Festplatte oder eines optischen Datenträgers (hier z. B. einzelne Session). Der Name … Universal-Lexikon
Label (command) — In some operating systems (e.g., DOS, OS/2 and Microsoft Windows) label is a command within the command line interpreters (shells) such as COMMAND.COM and cmd.exe. It is used to create, change, or delete a volume label on a logical drive, such as … Wikipedia
Volume table of contents — In the IBM mainframe storage architecture, Volume Table Of Contents, or VTOC, is a data structure, that provides a way of locating the data sets that reside on a particular disk volume. It can reside within the first 64K tracks on the volume, and … Wikipedia
Volume serial number — A volume serial number is a serial number assigned to a disk volume or tape volume. It originated in 1950s in mainframe computer operating systems. In OS/360 line it is human configurable, has a maximum length of six characters, is in uppercase,… … Wikipedia
label — ● ►en n. m. Version anglaise d étiquette. Un volume label (label de volume), est un nom de 11 caractères que l on peut donner sous MS DOS aux disquettes et aux disque dur … Dictionnaire d'informatique francophone