voltage comparator
Смотреть что такое "voltage comparator" в других словарях:
voltage-comparator integrated circuit — integrinis įtampų komparatoriaus grandynas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. voltage comparator integrated circuit vok. integrierter Spannungskomparatorschaltkreis, m rus. микросхема компаратора напряжений, f pranc. circuit… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Comparator — For other uses, see Comparator (disambiguation). In electronics, a comparator is a device that compares two voltages or currents and switches its output to indicate which is larger. They are commonly used in devices such as Analog to digital… … Wikipedia
comparator — [käm′pə rāt΄ər, kəm par′ət ər] n. any of various instruments, esp. in electronics, for comparing some measurement, as of length, brightness, or voltage, with a fixed standard … English World dictionary
Digital comparator — For other uses, see comparator (disambiguation). A digital comparator or magnitude comparator is a hardware electronic device that takes two numbers as input in binary form and determines whether one number is greater than, less than or equal to… … Wikipedia
Successive approximation ADC — Successive Approximation redirects here. For behaviorist B.F. Skinner s method of guiding learned behavior, see Shaping (psychology). A successive approximation ADC is a type of analog to digital converter that converts a continuous analog… … Wikipedia
Successive Approximation ADC — A successive approximation ADC is a type of analog to digital converter that converts a continuous analog waveform into a discrete digital representation via a binary search through all possible quantization levels before finally converging upon… … Wikipedia
Operational amplifier — A Signetics μa741 operational amplifier, one of the most successful op amps. An operational amplifier ( op amp ) is a DC coupled high gain electronic voltage amplifier with a differential input and, usually, a single ended output.[1] An op amp… … Wikipedia
Видлар, Роберт — Роберт Джон Видлар Robert John Widlar Видлар у фотошаблона LM10 В … Википедия
Charge transfer amplifier — The charge transfer amplifier (CTA) is an electronic amplifier circuit. Also known as transconveyance amplifiers, CTAs amplify electronic signals by dynamically conveying charge between capacitive nodes in proportion to the size of a differential … Wikipedia
Hardware random number generator — This SSL Accelerator computer card uses a hardware random number generator to generate cryptographic keys to encrypt data sent over computer networks. In computing, a hardware random number generator is an apparatus that generates random numbers… … Wikipedia
Game port — Infobox connector name=Game port type=Joystick input port logo= caption=A DA 15 connector on a Soundcard designer=IBM design date= manufacturer= production date= superseded= superseded by=USB superseded by date= external=yes hotplug=yes length=… … Wikipedia