

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "volt-coulomb" в других словарях:

  • volt — [ vɔlt ] n. m. • 1874; du nom du physicien Volta ♦ Métrol. Unité de mesure de potentiel, de différence de potentiel (ou tension) et de force électromotrice (symb. V). Le volt est la différence de potentiel existant entre deux points lorsque le… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Coulomb — Cou lomb (k?? l?n ), n. [From Coulomb, a French physicist and electrican.] (Physics) The standard unit of quantity in electrical measurements. It is the quantity of electricity conveyed in one second by the current produced by an electro motive… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Volt par mètre — ● Volt par mètre unité SI de champ électrique équivalant à l intensité d un champ électrique exerçant une force de 1 newton sur un corps chargé d une quantité d électricité de 1 coulomb …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Volt — For other uses, see Volt (disambiguation). Josephson junction array chip developed by NIST as a standard volt The volt (symbol: V) is the SI derived unit for electric potential, electric potential difference, and electromotive force.[1] The …   Wikipedia

  • Coulomb — For other uses, see Coulomb (disambiguation). coulomb Unit system: SI derived unit Unit of... Electric charge Symbol: C Named after: Charles Augustin de Coulomb …   Wikipedia

  • Coulomb Technologies — A ChargePoint public charging station at the Hillsboro Civic Center in Hillsboro, Oregon. Coulomb Technologies (CT) is an electric vehicle infrastructure company, based in Campbell, California. Coulomb Technologies was founded in 2007 by Richard… …   Wikipedia

  • volt — The unit of electromotive force; the electromotive force that will produce a current of 1 A in a circuit that has a resistance of 1 ohm; i.e., joule per coulomb. [Alessandro Volta, It. physicist, 1745–1827] * * * volt vōlt n 1) …   Medical dictionary

  • Coulomb force — ▪ physics also called  Coulomb Interaction,         attraction or repulsion of particles or objects because of their electric charge. One of the basic physical forces, the electric force is named for a French physicist, Charles Augustin de… …   Universalium

  • Volt par mètre — Le volt par mètre (symbole : V/m) est l unité de mesure SI de la force électrique d un champ électrique[1],[2]. C’est l’intensité du champ électrique exerçant une force[3] de 1 newton sur une …   Wikipédia en Français

  • volt — (V)    the SI unit of electric potential. Separating electric charges creates potential energy, which can be measured in energy units such as joules. Electric potential is defined as the amount of potential energy present per unit of charge.… …   Dictionary of units of measurement

  • Electron volt — In physics, the electron volt (eV) is a unit of energy. By definition, it is equal to the amount of energy gained by a single unbound electron when it accelerates through an electrostatic potential difference of one volt. In SI units, it is the… …   Wikipedia

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