Смотреть что такое "voice-part" в других словарях:
voice part — noun a part written for a singer • Hypernyms: ↑part, ↑voice • Hyponyms: ↑canto * * * noun : voice 1b(4) * * * Music. the melody or succession of tones for one of the voices or instruments in a harmonic or … Useful english dictionary
voice part — noun Date: 1776 voice 1b(4) … New Collegiate Dictionary
voice part — Music. the melody or succession of tones for one of the voices or instruments in a harmonic or concerted composition. [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
voice part — /ˈvɔɪs pat/ (say voys paht) noun the melody or succession of notes for one of the voices or instruments in a harmonic or concerted composition …
Voice type — A voice type is a particular kind of human singing voice perceived as having certain identifying qualities or characteristics. Voice classification is the process by which human voices are evaluated and are thereby designated into voice types.… … Wikipedia
voice — Synonyms and related words: Australian ballot, Hare system, Heldentenor, Meistersinger, OK, acceptance, accompaniment, active, active voice, adherence, admiration, agency, agent, air, allophone, alto, alveolar, apico alveolar, apico dental,… … Moby Thesaurus
voice — voicer, n. /voys/, n., v., voiced, voicing, adj. n. 1. the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, esp. of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc. 2. the faculty or power of uttering sounds through the mouth by… … Universalium
voice — /vɔɪs / (say voys) noun 1. the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures, especially of human beings in speaking, shouting, singing, etc. 2. the sounds naturally uttered by a single person in speech or vocal utterance, often… …
part — Synonyms and related words: abrupt, absolute interest, accompaniment, actor, adjunct, after a fashion, airspace, alienate, allotment, allowance, alto, amount, anacrusis, antagonist, antihero, apportion, appreciably, appurtenance, area,… … Moby Thesaurus
Voice of America — (VOA), is the official external radio and television broadcasting service of the United States federal government. Its oversight entity is the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG). VOA broadcasts by satellite and on FM, AM, and shortwave radio… … Wikipedia
Voice over Internet Protocol — (VoIP, IPAEng|vɔɪp) is a protocol optimized for the transmission of voice through the Internet or other packet switched networks. VoIP is often used abstractly to refer to the actual transmission of voice (rather than the protocol implementing… … Wikipedia