voice-frequency signal
Смотреть что такое "voice-frequency signal" в других словарях:
voice-frequency signal — garsinio dažnio signalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. voice frequency signal vok. Niederfrequenzsignal, n; Schallfrequenzsignal, n; Tonfrequenzsignal, n rus. сигнал звуковой частоты, m pranc. signal de fréquence audible, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
voice-frequency signal system — garso dažnių signalų sistema statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. voice frequency signal system vok. Tonfrequenzsystem, n rus. система сигналов звуковых частот, f pranc. système à signaux tonals, m … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
signal de fréquence audible — garsinio dažnio signalas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. voice frequency signal vok. Niederfrequenzsignal, n; Schallfrequenzsignal, n; Tonfrequenzsignal, n rus. сигнал звуковой частоты, m pranc. signal de fréquence audible, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Frequency-division multiplexing — (FDM) is a form of signal multiplexing where multiple baseband signals are modulated on different frequency carrier waves and added together to create a composite signal. Non telephoneFDM can also be used to combine multiple signals before final… … Wikipedia
Voice procedure — includes various techniques used to clarify, simplify and standardize spoken communications over two way radios, in use by the military, in civil aviation, police and fire dispatching systems, citizens band radio (CB), etc. Voice procedure… … Wikipedia
Voice stress analysis — (VSA) technology is said to record psychophysiological stress responses that are present in human voice, when a person suffers psychological stress in response to a stimulus (question) and where the consequences may be dire for the subject being… … Wikipedia
Voice inversion — scrambling is an analog method of obscuring the content of a transmission. It sometimes used in public service radio, automobile racing, cordless telephones and the Family Radio Service. Without a descrambler, the transmission makes the speaker… … Wikipedia
Signal Corps (United States Army) — U.S. Army Signal Corps Coat of Arms Active 3 March 1863 – Present Country … Wikipedia
Frequency modulation — See also: Amplitude modulation In telecommunications, frequency modulation (FM) conveys information over a carrier wave by varying its frequency (contrast this with amplitude modulation, in which the amplitude of the carrier is varied while its… … Wikipedia
Voice coil — A voice coil (consisting of a bobbin, collar and winding) is the coil of wire attached to the apex of the cone of a loudspeaker. It provides the motive force to the cone by the reaction of a magnetic field to the current passing through it. The… … Wikipedia
Voice of Russia — For the blues rock band, see Radio Moscow (band). Russian State Radio Company Voice of Russia Type Radio network … Wikipedia