voice key
Смотреть что такое "voice key" в других словарях:
voice key — noun : an electric key arranged to be opened or closed by speaking against it and used for measuring speech reaction time … Useful english dictionary
Voice inversion — scrambling is an analog method of obscuring the content of a transmission. It sometimes used in public service radio, automobile racing, cordless telephones and the Family Radio Service. Without a descrambler, the transmission makes the speaker… … Wikipedia
Voice of the customer — (VOC) is a term used in business and Information Technology (through ITIL, for example) to describe the in depth process of capturing a customer s expectations, preferences and aversions.[1] Specifically, the Voice of the Customer is a market… … Wikipedia
Voice of the Faithful — (VOTF) is an organization of lay Catholics, formed in early 2002 in response to the Roman Catholic sex abuse cases. Founding, growth and mission VOTF began when a small group of parishioners met in the basement of St. John the Evangelist church… … Wikipedia
key — key1 [kē] n. pl. keys [ME keye < OE cæge, akin to OFris kei, kēia, to secure, guard] 1. an instrument, usually of metal, for moving the bolt of a lock and thus locking or unlocking something 2. any of several instruments or mechanical devices… … English World dictionary
Voice broadcasting — is a mass communication technique, begun in the 1990s, that broadcasts telephone messages to hundreds or thousands of call recipients at once. This technology has both commercial and community applications. Voice broadcast users can contact… … Wikipedia
Voice projection — is the strength of speaking or singing whereby the voice is used loudly and clearly. It is a technique which can be employed to demand respect and attention, such as when a teacher is talking to the class, or simply to be heard clearly, as an… … Wikipedia
Voice of Nigeria — VON Type Radio network Country … Wikipedia
Key-agreement protocol — In cryptography, a key agreement protocol is a protocol whereby two or more parties can agree on a key in such a way that both influence the outcome. If properly done, this precludes undesired third parties from forcing a key choice on the… … Wikipedia
Key signature — For use in cryptography, see Key signature (cryptography). Key signature A major / F♯ minor with three sharps placed after the clef. In musical notation, a key signature is a series of sharp or … Wikipedia
Voice modem command set — Main article: Modem Voice modem is a term commonly used to describe an analog telephone data modem with a built in capability of transmitting and receiving voice recordings over the phone line. Voice modems are used for telephony and answering… … Wikipedia