Смотреть что такое "vixen" в других словарях:
Vixen! — Vixen (film) Pour les articles homonymes, voir Vixen (homonymie). Vixen Titre original Vixen! Réalisation Russ Meyer Scénario Robert Rudelson Russ Meyer Anthony James Ryan … Wikipédia en Français
Vixen — can refer to:* A female fox, or* Vixen 357, a Japanese Sega Mega Drive strategy game * A shrewish, ill tempered or spiteful woman; a virago * An attractive woman who often takes advantage of men * A 1976 album by soul singer Gloria Jones * Vixen… … Wikipedia
Vixen — Primera aparición Action Comics Nº 521 (julio de 1981) DC Comics Creador(es) Gerry Conway Curt Swan Información Nombre … Wikipedia Español
Vixen FM — (or Vixen 87 as it was known as on air) is a community radio organisation based in the town of Market Weighton, East Riding of Yorkshire in the United Kingdom.The station has transmitted several Restricted Service Licence 28 day broadcasts and on … Wikipedia
Vixen — (engl. „Füchsin“) bezeichnet: eine Hardrockband, siehe Vixen (Band) einen Film von Russ Meyer eine US amerikanische Automarke (1914–1916), siehe Vixen (Automarke) ein Modell (1967–1973) des britischen Automobilherstellers TVR, siehe TVR Vixen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vixen — Vix en, n. [AS. fixen a she fox, for fyxen, fem. of fox. See {Fox}.] 1. A female fox. [Obs. or Prov. Eng.] [1913 Webster] 2. A cross, ill tempered person; formerly used of either sex, now only of a woman. Barrow. [1913 Webster] She was a vixen… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vixen — (n.) O.E. *fyxen (implied in adjective fyxan), fem. of fox (see FOX (Cf. fox), and Cf. M.H.G. vühsinne, Ger. füchsin). Solitary English survival of the Germanic feminine suffix en, in (Cf. O.E. gyden goddess; mynecen nun, from munuc … Etymology dictionary
vixen — shrew, scold, termagant, *virago, amazon … New Dictionary of Synonyms
vixen — [n] foxy person cat, dragon, harpy, harridan, hellcat, she devil, shrew, termagant, virago, witch, Xanthippe; concept 412 … New thesaurus
vixen — ► NOUN 1) a female fox. 2) a spiteful or quarrelsome woman. DERIVATIVES vixenish adjective. ORIGIN perhaps from an Old English word meaning «of a fox» … English terms dictionary
vixen — [vik′sən] n. [ME (southern dial.) fixen < OE fyxe, she fox (or fyxen, adj., of a fox) < fox,FOX] 1. a female fox 2. an ill tempered, shrewish, or malicious woman vixenish adj. vixenishly adv … English World dictionary