vitrified grinding wheel

vitrified grinding wheel
керамический шлифовальный круг

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vitrified grinding wheel" в других словарях:

  • Grinding wheel — Grinding wheels A grinding wheel is an expendab …   Wikipedia

  • abrasive — abrasively, adv. abrasiveness, n. /euh bray siv, ziv/, n. 1. any material or substance used for grinding, polishing, etc., as emery, pumice, or sandpaper. adj. 2. tending to abrade; causing abrasion; abrading. 3. tending to annoy or cause ill… …   Universalium

  • Ceramic tile cutter — Ceramic tile cutters are used to cut tiles to a required size or shape. They come in a number of different forms, from basic manual devices to complex attachments for power tools. Contents 1 Hand tools 2 Tile nippers 3 Glass cutter 4 …   Wikipedia

  • pottery — /pot euh ree/, n., pl. potteries. 1. ceramic ware, esp. earthenware and stoneware. 2. the art or business of a potter; ceramics. 3. a place where earthen pots or vessels are made. [1475 85; POTTER1 + Y3] * * * I One of the oldest and most… …   Universalium

  • military technology — Introduction       range of weapons, equipment, structures, and vehicles used specifically for the purpose of fighting. It includes the knowledge required to construct such technology, to employ it in combat, and to repair and replenish it.… …   Universalium

  • List of Chinese inventions — A bronze Chinese crossbow mechanism with a buttplate (the wooden components have …   Wikipedia

  • Aegean civilizations — The Bronze Age civilizations that arose and flourished с 3000–1000 BC in the region bordering the Aegean Sea. They included Crete, the Cyclades, the Greek mainland south from Thessaly, including the Peloponnese, and Macedonia, Thrace, and western …   Universalium

  • Mesopotamia, history of — ▪ historical region, Asia Introduction  history of the region in southwestern Asia where the world s earliest civilization developed. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “between rivers,” referring to the land between the Tigris and… …   Universalium

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