Смотреть что такое "vitaminized" в других словарях:
vitaminized — vitaminize (Amer.) v. supplement with vitamins (also vitaminise) … English contemporary dictionary
João Donato — de Oliveira Neto is a Brazilian jazz and bossa nova pianist from Brazil, probably best known for his numerous albums as bandleader in the idiom. He first worked with Altamiro Carrilho, and went on to perform with other masters of the idiom such… … Wikipedia
vitaminize — vi·ta·min·ize vīt ə mə .nīz also Brit vi·ta·min·ise vit vt, ized also Brit ised; iz·ing also Brit is·ing to provide or supplement with vitamins <vitaminized margarine> … Medical dictionary
vitaminise — verb add vitamins as a supplement vitaminized processed foods • Syn: ↑vitaminize • Derivationally related forms: ↑vitamin (for: ↑vitaminize) • Hypernyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
hor|mon|ize — «HR moh nyz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to furnish or treat with hormones: »Each chick is vigorously hormonized, vitaminized (A,B,D,E,K) and debeaked (Time) … Useful english dictionary
vi´ta|min|i|za´tion — vi|ta|min|ize «VY tuh muh nyz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to furnish with vitamins: »Many stores specialize in “health foods,” which are supposed to be mineralized and vitaminized and to have special nutritional virtues (Consumer Reports… … Useful english dictionary
vi|ta|min|ize — «VY tuh muh nyz», transitive verb, ized, iz|ing. to furnish with vitamins: »Many stores specialize in “health foods,” which are supposed to be mineralized and vitaminized and to have special nutritional virtues (Consumer Reports Buying Guide).… … Useful english dictionary