vital spark
Смотреть что такое "vital spark" в других словарях:
vital spark — or vital flame noun 1. Life or a trace of life 2. The principle of life in man • • • Main Entry: ↑vital … Useful english dictionary
Vital Spark — The Vital Spark is a fictional Clyde puffer, created by Neil Munro. As its captain, the redoubtable Para Handy, often says: the smertest boat in the coastin tred . Puffers seem to have been regarded fondly even before Munro began publishing his… … Wikipedia
vital spark — spark of life … English contemporary dictionary
The Vital Spark Interpretation Conference — was held from 30 September 3 October 2007 in the Aviemore Highland Resort in the Cairngorms National Park. This international conference brought together over 300 heritage interpreters from many countries around the world who shared experiences,… … Wikipedia
Spark — Spark, n. [OE. sparke, AS. spearca; akin to D. spark, sperk; cf. Icel. spraka to crackle, Lith. sprag[ e]ti, Gr. ? a bursting with a noise, Skr. sph?rj to crackle, to thunder. Cf. {Speak}.] 1. A small particle of fire or ignited substance which… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Spark arrester — Spark Spark, n. [OE. sparke, AS. spearca; akin to D. spark, sperk; cf. Icel. spraka to crackle, Lith. sprag[ e]ti, Gr. ? a bursting with a noise, Skr. sph?rj to crackle, to thunder. Cf. {Speak}.] 1. A small particle of fire or ignited substance… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
spark consumer — Spark Spark, n. [OE. sparke, AS. spearca; akin to D. spark, sperk; cf. Icel. spraka to crackle, Lith. sprag[ e]ti, Gr. ? a bursting with a noise, Skr. sph?rj to crackle, to thunder. Cf. {Speak}.] 1. A small particle of fire or ignited substance… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vital flame — vital spark or vital flame noun 1. Life or a trace of life 2. The principle of life in man • • • Main Entry: ↑vital … Useful english dictionary
spark of life — Synonyms and related words: anima, animating force, atman, bathmism, beating heart, biological clock, biorhythm, blood, breath, breath of life, divine breath, divine spark, elan vital, essence of life, force of life, growth force, heart,… … Moby Thesaurus
spark — [[t]spɑ͟ː(r)k[/t]] ♦♦♦ sparks, sparking, sparked 1) N COUNT A spark is a tiny bright piece of burning material that flies up from something that is burning. The fire gradually got bigger and bigger. Sparks flew off in all directions. 2) N COUNT A … English dictionary
SPARK (M.) — SPARK MURIEL (1918 ) Née à Édimbourg, à la fin de 1918, d’une mère quelque peu douée de voyance et d’un père ingénieur juif, Muriel Spark eut toujours le souci, sous le couvert transparent de la fiction, d’assumer ses origines l’enfance… … Encyclopédie Universelle