visual reference
Смотреть что такое "visual reference" в других словарях:
adequate visual reference/adequate vis reference — Runway markings or lighting that provides the pilot with adequate visual reference to continuously identify the takeoff surface and maintain directional control throughout the takeoff run … Aviation dictionary
Visual flight (aviation) — Visual flight or Visual Attitude Flying is a method of controlling an aircraft where the aircraft attitude is determined by observing outside visual references. The remainder of this article is applicable to fixed wing aircraft; much of it is… … Wikipedia
Visual flight — is the control and navigation of an aircraft by using the view from the aircraft as the primary reference point. A pilot observes the outside world and uses the flight controls to take the aircraft safely to the place they want to go. The… … Wikipedia
required visual reference — With respect to an aircraft on an approach to a runway, the section of the approach area of the runway or the visual aids that enable the pilot to make an assessment of the aircraft position and the rate of change of position relative to the… … Aviation dictionary
visual approach — An approach by an IFR flight when either part or all of an instrument approach procedure is not completed and the approach is executed in visual reference to terrain (ICAO). A pilot, when authorized to proceed visually, must remain clear of… … Aviation dictionary
visual descent points — A point on the final approach course of a nonprecision straight in approach procedure from which normal descent from the minimum decision altitude (MDA) to the runway touchdown point may be commenced, provided the visual reference required is… … Aviation dictionary
Visual Basic for Applications — (VBA) Paradigm(s) Multi paradigm Appeared in 1993 Developer Microsoft … Wikipedia
Visual Basic .NET — Paradigm(s) Structured, imperative, object oriented and declarative Appeared in 2001 Designed by Micro … Wikipedia
Visual kei — Направление: J Rock Истоки: глэм метал поп панк готик рок электронная музыка Место и время возникновения: 1982 1985 … Википедия
Visual kei — Stylistic origins Various (mainly rock, metal, punk and pop music) Cultural origins Japan Typical instruments Guitar, bass, drums, keyboards Mainstre … Wikipedia
Visual Studio — Développeur Microsoft Dernière version … Wikipédia en Français