Смотреть что такое "virtualize" в других словарях:
virtualize — verb a) To run a program in virtual storage b) To simulate (or make virtual) some effect or condition on a computer See Also: virtual … Wiktionary
virtualize — or virtualise və:tjuəlʌɪz verb convert to a computer generated simulation of reality. Derivatives virtualization noun virtualizer noun … English new terms dictionary
virtualize — virˈtualize or virˈtualise transitive verb 1. To recreate in virtual reality 2. To transform into an electronic medium • • • Main Entry: ↑virtual … Useful english dictionary
X86 virtualization — is the method by which x86 based guest operating systems are run under another host x86 operating system, with little or no modification of the guest OS. The x86 processor architecture did not originally meet the Popek and Goldberg virtualization … Wikipedia
File area network — File Area Networking refers to various methods of sharing files over a network such as storage devices connected to a file server or network attached storage (NAS). Background Data storage technology over the years has evolved from a direct… … Wikipedia
Virtual machine — A virtual machine (VM) is a completely isolated guest operating system installation within a normal host operating system .[1] Modern virtual machines are implemented with either software emulation or hardware virtualization or (in the most… … Wikipedia
Hypervisor — In computing, a hypervisor, also called virtual machine monitor , is a virtualization platform that allows multiple operating systems to run on a host computer at the same time.ClassificationsHypervisors are currently classified in two types: [… … Wikipedia
Virtuozzo — Infobox Software name = Parallels Virtuozzo Containers developer = Parallels, Inc. latest release version = 4.0 latest release date = January 2008 operating system = Windows and Linux platform = x86, x86 64, IA 64 genre = OS level virtualization… … Wikipedia
Hardware-assisted virtualization — In computing, hardware assisted virtualization is a platform virtualization approach that enables efficient full virtualization using help from hardware capabilities, primarily from the host processors. Full virtualization is used to simulate a… … Wikipedia
IBM Project Big Green — In May 2007, IBM unveiled Project Big Green a re direction of $1 billion USD per year across its businesses to increase energy efficiency. New products and services are expected to reduce data center energy consumption and transform clients… … Wikipedia
x86-64 — Для улучшения этой статьи желательно?: Переработать оформление в соответствии с правилами написания статей. Викифицировать статью. Исправить статью согласно стилистическим правилам Википедии … Википедия