virtual transition
Смотреть что такое "virtual transition" в других словарях:
virtual transition — virtualusis šuolis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. virtual transition vok. virtueller Übergang, m rus. виртуальный переход, m pranc. transition virtuelle, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Virtual — Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual transition,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Virtual focus — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Virtual image — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Virtual moment — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Virtual velocity — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Virtual work — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
virtual work — Virtual Vir tu*al (?; 135), a. [Cf. F. virtuel. See {Virtue}.] 1. Having the power of acting or of invisible efficacy without the agency of the material or sensible part; potential; energizing. [1913 Webster] Heat and cold have a virtual… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transition virtuelle — virtualusis šuolis statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. virtual transition vok. virtueller Übergang, m rus. виртуальный переход, m pranc. transition virtuelle, f … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Virtual Machine lifecycle management — is the class of management that looks at the lifecycle of a virtual machine from the viewpoint of the application vs one focused on roles within an organization. A number of major software vendors, including Microsoft and Novell, have begun to… … Wikipedia
Virtual finite state machine — The virtual finite state machine (VFSM) is a concept promoted by [ SW Software] and implemented in their StateWORKS product. A VFSM is a finite state machine (FSM) defined in a virtual environment. The VFSM concept… … Wikipedia