virtual extension

virtual extension
мат. виртуальное продолжение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "virtual extension" в других словарях:

  • Extensión de archivo — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En informática, una extensión de archivo o extensión de fichero, es una cadena de caracteres anexada al nombre de un archivo, usualmente precedida por un punto. Su función principal es diferenciar el contenido del… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Virtual Orchestra — is a term used to identify a variety of different types of technology and art forms. Most commonly used to refer to orchestral simulation, either for pre recorded or live environments, it also has been used to describe other activities, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual reality markup language — Le Virtual Reality Modeling Language (abrégé en VRML) ou Virtual Reality Markup Language est un langage de description d univers virtuels en 3 dimensions. Ce langage interprété est une norme internationale ISO et les fichiers VRML ont… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Virtual Memory System — Virtual Memory System/OpenVMS Basisdaten Entwickler Digital Equipment Corporation Version …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Virtual Link Aggregation Control Protocol — Virtual LACP (VLACP) is a Nortel extension of the Link Aggregation Control Protocol toprovide a Layer 2 handshaking protocol which can detect end to end failure between two physical Ethernet interfaces. It allows the switch to detect… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual Boy — For the creation or re creation of a human boy in image and voice using computer generated imagery and sound, see Virtual actor. Virtual Boy …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual Nightmare — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel Virtual Nightmare – Open Your Eyes Originaltitel Abre los ojos …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Virtual Nightmare - Open Your Eyes — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: Virtual Nightmare – Open Your Eyes Originaltitel: Abre los ojos Produktionsland: Spanien Frankreich Italien Erscheinungsjahr: 1997 Länge: ca. 114 Minuten Originalsprache …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Virtual Nightmare – Open Your Eyes — Filmdaten Deutscher Titel: Virtual Nightmare – Open Your Eyes Originaltitel: Abre los ojos Produktionsland: Spanien Frankreich Italien Erscheinungsjahr: 1997 Länge: ca. 114 Minuten Originalsprache …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • EXTension Port — names the ports placed on their consoles allowing for connectivity to either other systems, or peripherals that were released after the fact.EXT named ports can be found on many Nintendo consoles, such as the Game Boy, the Super Nintendo, the… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual desktop — For software that creates a virtualized environment between the computer platform and its operating system, see Virtual machine. For virtual machines running desktop environments, see Desktop virtualization. OpenSUSE 10.2 s implementation of… …   Wikipedia

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