virtual divisor
Смотреть что такое "virtual divisor" в других словарях:
Virtual pitch — is a term used to describe the phenomenon in which one s brain interprets tones in music that don t actually exist. This is in contrast to a spectral pitch, which is a tone that physically exists.The term was coined by Professor Ernst Terhardt… … Wikipedia
Super Nintendo Entertainment System — Super Nintendo Entertainment System … Wikipedia
Riemann–Roch theorem for surfaces — In mathematics, the Riemann–Roch theorem for surfaces describes the dimension of linear systems on an algebraic surface. The classical form of it was first given by Castelnuovo (1896, 1897), after preliminary versions of it were found by… … Wikipedia
PrimeGrid — PrimeGrid проект добровольных распределенных вычислений на платформе BOINC, целью которого является поиск различных простых чисел специального вида. Проект стартовал 12 июня 2005 года. По состоянию на 25 марта 2012 года в нём приняли… … Википедия
Engranaje — Animación de dos engranajes. Piñón y corona … Wikipedia Español
Brauer's theorem on induced characters — Brauer s theorem on induced characters, often known as Brauer s induction theorem, and named after Richard Brauer, is a basic result in the branch of mathematics known as character theory, which is, in turn, part of the representation theory of a … Wikipedia
Apollo Guidance Computer — and DSKY Invented by MIT Instrumentation Laboratory Manufacturer Raytheon Introduced August 1966 … Wikipedia
Circular buffer — A ring showing, conceptually, a circular buffer. This visually shows that the buffer has no real end and it can loop around the buffer. However, since memory is never physically created as a ring, a linear representation is generally used as is… … Wikipedia
Intel 440BX — Intel 82443BX (440BX northbridge) en una placa madre Abit BF6 El Intel 440BX, también conocido como el i440BX, es un chipset de Intel que soporta CPUs Pentium II, Pentium III y Celeron. Fue lanzado en abril de 1998. Contenido … Wikipedia Español
Slide rule — For other uses, see Slide rule (disambiguation). A typical ten inch student slide rule (Pickett N902 T simplex trig). The slide rule, also known colloquially as a slipstick,[1] is a mechanical analog computer. The slide rule is used primarily for … Wikipedia
Amplificador operacional — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda 741 con encapsulado metálico TO 5 Un amplificador operacional (comúnmente abreviado A.O. u op amp), es un circuito electrónico (normalmente se presenta como circuito integrado) que tiene dos entradas y una salida … Wikipedia Español