virtual directory

virtual directory
виртуальный каталог (каталог сервера Internet Information Server за пределами домашнего каталога, отображаемый броузером как подкаталог домашнего каталога)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "virtual directory" в других словарях:

  • Virtual directory — A virtual directory or virtual directory server is a technology that offers a way to provide a consolidated view of user identity without having to construct an entire directory infrastructure. Implemented in the form of middleware, a virtual… …   Wikipedia

  • virtual directory — virtualusis katalogas statusas T sritis informatika apibrėžtis Naujai sukurtas katalogo vardas, susietas su jau egzistuojančiu realiu katalogu, kurį galima toliau vartoti vietoj realaus katalogo vardo. Virtualusis katalogas faktiškai yra… …   Enciklopedinis kompiuterijos žodynas

  • virtual directory —    A directory that appears to a user to be located on the service they are accessing, but which is actually located on a linked server. Virtual directories areoftenusedonWebserverswheretheyare used to balance the overall load, but still present… …   Dictionary of networking

  • Directory service — A directory service is the software system that stores, organizes and provides access to information in a directory. In software engineering, a directory is a map between names and values. It allows the lookup of values given a name, similar to a …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual Dimension Center — w.V. (VDC) Zweck: Förderung und Verbreitung von Technologien Virtueller Realität Vorsitz: Christoph Palm Gründungsdatum: 9. Dezember 2002 Mit …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Virtual engineering — is defined as integrating geometric models and related engineering tools such as analysis, and simulation, optimization, and decision making tools, etc., within a computer generated environment that facilitates multidisciplinary collaborative… …   Wikipedia

  • Directory Opus — Screenshot  Directory Opus 9 running on Vista with coverart.jpg in folders. Developer(s) GPSoftware Stable release 10.0.2 …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual DOS machine — (VDM) is Microsoft s technology that allows running legacy DOS and 16 bit Windows programs on Intel 80386 or higher computers when there is already another operating system running and controlling the hardware. Contents 1 Overview 2 NTVDM 3… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual Gumshoe — is a free public record directory popular among private investigators and law enforcement. Virtual Gumshoe made its debut in 1996 under the name and carried the name until 2002 when a lapse of domain renewal resulted in a third party …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual Network Computing — (VNC) est un système d accès à un bureau distant qui permet de prendre le contrôle d un ordinateur distant. Il permet de transmettre les saisies au clavier ainsi que les clics de souris d un ordinateur à l autre, à travers un réseau informatique …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Virtual Machine Manager — Скриншот VMM с завершением установки FreeDOS. Слева окно управления машинами, справа запущенный FreeDOS …   Википедия

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