virial theorem

virial theorem
мат. теорема вириала

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "virial theorem" в других словарях:

  • Virial theorem — In mechanics, the virial theorem provides a general equation relating the average over time of the total kinetic energy, , of a stable system consisting of N particles, bound by potential forces, with that of the total potential energy, , where… …   Wikipedia

  • virial theorem — virialo teorema statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. virial theorem vok. Virialsatz, m rus. теорема вириала, f pranc. loi virielle, f; théorème du viriel, m …   Fizikos terminų žodynas

  • virial theorem — noun A theorem in mechanics showing the relationship between the kinetic energy of a system to the virial of Clausius …   Wiktionary

  • Virial stress — is a measure of mechanical stress on an atomic scale. It is given by: au {ij} = frac{1}{Omega} sum {k in Omega} left( m^{(k)} (u i^{(k)} ar{u} i) (u j^{(k)} ar{u} j) + frac{1}{2} sum {ell in Omega} ( x i^{(ell)} x i^{(k)}) f j^{(kell)}… …   Wikipedia

  • Equipartition theorem — [ Thermal motion of an α helical peptide. The jittery motion is random and complex, and the energy of any particular atom can fluctuate wildly. Nevertheless, the equipartition theorem allows the average kinetic energy of each atom to be computed …   Wikipedia

  • Teorema de virial — En mecánica, el teorema de virial es una ecuación general que relaciona la energía cinética total promedio de un sistema con su energía potencial promedio , donde los paréntesis representan el promedio de la magnitud contenida entre ellos.… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Teorema de equipartición — Figura 1. Movimiento térmico de un péptido tipo hélice α. El movimiento vibratorio es aleatorio y complejo, y la energía de un átomo en particular puede fluctuar ampliamente. Sin embargo, el teorema de equipartición permite que se pueda calcular… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Leonard-Merritt mass estimator — The Leonard Merritt mass estimator is a formula firstderived by Peter Leonard and David Merritt [Leonard, P. and Merritt, D. (1989). [| The mass of the open star cluster M35 as derived from proper… …   Wikipedia

  • Stress (mechanics) — Continuum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Dark matter — Not to be confused with antimatter, dark energy, dark fluid or dark flow. For other uses, see Dark Matter (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • List of theorems — This is a list of theorems, by Wikipedia page. See also *list of fundamental theorems *list of lemmas *list of conjectures *list of inequalities *list of mathematical proofs *list of misnamed theorems *Existence theorem *Classification of finite… …   Wikipedia

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