- virial expansion
- мат. вириальное разложение, вириальный ряд
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Virial expansion — The classical virial expansion expresses the pressure of a many particle system in equilibrium as a power series in the density.The virial expansion was introduced in 1901 by Heike Kamerlingh Onnes as a generalization of the ideal gas law. He… … Wikipedia
Virial coefficient — Virial coefficients B i appear as coefficients in the virial expansion of the pressure of a many particle system in powers of the density. They are characteristic of the interaction potential between the particles and in general depend on the… … Wikipedia
Virial theorem — In mechanics, the virial theorem provides a general equation relating the average over time of the total kinetic energy, , of a stable system consisting of N particles, bound by potential forces, with that of the total potential energy, , where… … Wikipedia
Cluster expansion — In statistical mechanics, the cluster expansion (also called the high temperature expansion or hopping expansion) is a power series expansion of the partition function of a statistical field theory around a model that is a union of non… … Wikipedia
gas — gasless, adj. /gas/, n., pl. gases, v., gassed, gassing. n. 1. Physics. a substance possessing perfect molecular mobility and the property of indefinite expansion, as opposed to a solid or liquid. 2. any such fluid or mixture of fluids. 3. any… … Universalium
Theta solvent — In a polymer solution, a theta solvent (or θ solvent) is a solvent in which polymer coils act like ideal chains, assuming exactly their random walk coil dimensions. Thermodynamically, the excess chemical potential of mixing between a polymer and… … Wikipedia
Teorema de equipartición — Figura 1. Movimiento térmico de un péptido tipo hélice α. El movimiento vibratorio es aleatorio y complejo, y la energía de un átomo en particular puede fluctuar ampliamente. Sin embargo, el teorema de equipartición permite que se pueda calcular… … Wikipedia Español
Compressibility factor — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
Materia oscura — Para la trilogía de novelas fantásticas de Philip Pullman, véase La materia oscura. Imagen compuesta del cúmulo de galaxias CL0024+17 tomada por el telescopio espacial Hubble muestra la creación de un efecto de lente gravitacional producto, en… … Wikipedia Español
Fritz Zwicky — Born February 14, 1898 Varna, Principality of Bulgaria Died … Wikipedia
Dark matter — Not to be confused with antimatter, dark energy, dark fluid or dark flow. For other uses, see Dark Matter (disambiguation) … Wikipedia