viral code

viral code
вирусная программа, зараженная программа

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "viral code" в других словарях:

  • Viral marketing — Viral marketing, viral advertising, or marketing buzz are buzzwords referring to marketing techniques that use pre existing social networks to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales)… …   Wikipedia

  • Viral replication — is the term used by virologists to describe the formation of biological viruses during the infection process in the target host cells. Viruses must first get into the cell before viral replication can occur. From the perspective of the virus, the …   Wikipedia

  • viral marketing — (VY.rul mark.uh.ting) n. The promotion of a service or product by using existing customers to pass along a marketing pitch to friends, family, and colleagues. Example Citation: The best viral marketing is not just word of mouth, as some people… …   New words

  • Code impénétrable — Le code impénétrable d un programme informatique est un code dont la compréhension est très difficile pour un humain tout en restant parfaitement compilable par un ordinateur. Le procédé par lequel du code est rendu impénétrable est appelé… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GÉNOME - Génome viral — Les virus sont des assemblages plus ou moins complexes entre des protéines et un acide nucléique qui peut être soit de l’ADN, soit de l’ARN, mais jamais les deux. Les virus se multiplient en utilisant la machinerie métabolique d’une cellule hôte… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Google Code — Not to be confused with Google Code Search. Google Code Google Code URL …   Wikipedia

  • ATC code J07 — J07 VaccinesJ07A Bacterial vaccinesJ07AC Anthrax vaccines:J07AC01 Anthrax antigenJ07AD Brucellosis vaccines:J07AD01 Brucella antigenJ07AE Cholera vaccines:J07AE01 Cholera, inactivated, whole cell:J07AE02 Cholera, live attenuated:J07AE51 Cholera,… …   Wikipedia

  • Spooks: Code 9 — logo Also known as Rogue Spooks, Spooks: Liberty (working titles) Genre …   Wikipedia

  • zip code marketing — n. A marketing campaign aimed at a specific ZIP code or postal region. Also: zip code marketing. Example Citation: An Olathe marketing firm will commemorate its 25th anniversary with an open house this week. Ruf Strategic Solutions plans its… …   New words

  • AIDS II (computer virus) — Computer virus Fullname = AIDS II Common name = AIDS 2 Technical name = AIDS II.8064 Family = AIDS II Aliases = AIDS II, Aids.8064, AIDS 8064, AIDS II.8064 Classification = Virus Type = DOS Subtype = EXE to COM companion. General nuisance.… …   Wikipedia

  • Maverick (Mega Man) — A Maverick, in the video game series Mega Man X , Mega Man Zero , and Mega Man ZX , is a Reploid who generally defies the will of the Maverick Hunters or of the human governments. In the Japanese games, they are called Irregulars. The motivation… …   Wikipedia

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