Viperous — Vi per*ous, a. Having the qualities of a viper; malignant; venomous; as, a viperous tongue. This viperous slander. Shak. {Vi per*ous*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
viperous — index dangerous, malevolent, spiteful Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
viperous — [adj] malicious, venomous badnatured, baleful, bitter, evil, evil minded, green eyed*, jealous, malevolent, mean, nasty, ornery, poisonous, rancorous, resentful, spiteful, vengeful, vicious, vindictive, wicked; concepts 267,401,542 … New thesaurus
viperous — [vī′pərəs] adj. of, having the nature of, or like a viper; esp., spiteful or malicious: also viperish viperously adv … English World dictionary
viperous — ˈvīp(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: viper + ous 1. : of, relating to, or composed of vipers 2. a. : characteristic of a viper : deliberately treacherous : malignant, venomous viperous treach … Useful english dictionary
viperous — adjective Date: 1535 1. viperine 2. having the qualities attributed to a viper ; malignant, venomous < the backstabbing of a viperous family > • viperously adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
viperous — viperously, adv. /vuy peuhr euhs/, adj. 1. of the nature of or resembling a viper: a viperous movement. 2. of or pertaining to vipers. 3. characteristic of vipers. 4. venomous. [1525 35; VIPER + OUS] * * * … Universalium
viperous — viper ► NOUN 1) a poisonous snake with large hinged fangs and a body typically with dark patterns on a lighter background. 2) a spiteful or treacherous person. DERIVATIVES viperish adjective viperous adjective. ORIGIN Latin vipera, from vivus… … English terms dictionary
viperous — adjective a) of or pertaining to a viper b) venomous, malicious or treacherous … Wiktionary
viperous — I (Roget s IV) modif. Syn. lethal, deadly, venomous; see poisonous . II (Roget s 3 Superthesaurus) a. malicious, vicious, spiteful, nasty, venomous, malignant, mean, vindictive, Satanic, deadly. ANT.: nice, sweet, harmless … English dictionary for students
viperous — adj. of a viper, of a poisonous snake … English contemporary dictionary