Смотреть что такое "vipe" в других словарях:
VIPE — Virtual Planet Earth Virtual Planet Earth (VIPE) est le nom d un projet développé par Christos Melissidis, étudiant à l université de Cranfield récompensé par la victoire du Grid Computing Now! Competition 2008, qui avait pour thème Grid… … Wikipédia en Français
Vīpe — Sp Výpė Ap Vīpe L Latvija … Pasaulio vietovardžiai. Internetinė duomenų bazė
VIPE — Vannes Innovation Promotion Expansion (Business » General) … Abbreviations dictionary
vipė — vìpė sf. (2) Gr ms. ožka: ^ Pakabintas padabintas bijo vipės nukandimo (apynys ir ožka) Skdv … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
vipionidae — ˌvipēˈänəˌdē noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Vipion , Vipio, type genus (from Latin, a small crane) + idae; from their long legs : a family of small ichneumon flies that is often included in Braconidae and includes forms … Useful english dictionary
Boomerang attack — In cryptography, the boomerang attack is a method for the cryptanalysis of block ciphers based on differential cryptanalysis. The attack was published in 1999 by David Wagner, who used it to break the COCONUT98 cipher.The boomerang attack has… … Wikipedia
Valentin Rasputin — Valentin Grigoriyevich Rasputin ( ru. Валентин Григорьевич Распутин) (born March 15, 1937) is a Russian writer. He was born and lived much of his life in the Irkutsk Oblast in Eastern Siberia. Rasputin s works depict rootless urban characters and … Wikipedia
Vannes — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Vanne (homonymie). 47° 39′ 21″ N 2° 45′ 37″ W … Wikipédia en Français
Estación de Malesherbes — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Malesherbes Exterior de la estación Apertura 6 de mayo de 1867 24 de septiembre de 1995 (RER) Municipio Male … Wikipedia Español
Jēkabpils District — Latvian districts| 2= 3=53,473 4=2,998 5=17.84 6= [http://jekabpils jekabpils] The Jēkabpils district ( lv. Jēkabpils rajons) is an administrative division of Latvia, located in the Latgale region, in the country s east. It is… … Wikipedia
3D Movie Maker — (unofficially known as 3DMM for short) is a program created by Microsoft s Microsoft Kids subsidiary in 1995. Using this program, directors are able to place 3D characters in pre made or custom made environments, add actions, sound effects, music … Wikipedia