violation of a rule

violation of a rule
нарушение правила

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "violation of a rule" в других словарях:

  • Rule 6 — was the most infamous and well known of a set of behavior rules imposed on participants at the 1991 San Jose, California Timecon science fiction convention by the hosting hotel (then a Red Lion Inn [ [ Red Lion Inns] ] ).… …   Wikipedia

  • Rule of tincture — The first rule of heraldry is the rule of tincture: metal should not be put on metal, nor colour on colour (Humphrey Llwyd, 1568). This means that or and argent (gold and silver, which are represented by yellow and white) may not be placed on… …   Wikipedia

  • violation — vi‧o‧la‧tion [ˌvaɪəˈleɪʆn] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle etc: • Employers who fail to comply can be fined £5,000 per violation. • their blatant violation of the law 2. in violation of if… …   Financial and business terms

  • violation — [vī΄ə lā′shən] n. [ME violacion < L violatio] a violating or being violated; specif., a) infringement or breach, as of a law, rule, right, etc. b) sexual assault; rape c) desecration of something sacred, as a church d) interruption;… …   English World dictionary

  • rule — I n. regulation principle 1) to establish, lay down, make (the) rules 2) to formulate a rule 3) to adopt a rule 4) to apply, enforce a rule 5) to obey, observe a rule 6) to break, violate a rule 7) to bend, stretch a rule 8) to rescind, revoke a… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Rule of the shorter term — The rule of the shorter term, also called the comparison of terms, is a provision in international copyright treaties. The provision allows that signatory countries can limit the duration of copyright they grant to foreign works under national… …   Wikipedia

  • violation — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ blatant, clear, flagrant, obvious ▪ The attack on civilians is a flagrant violation of the peace agreement. ▪ egregious (formal, esp. AmE), grave …   Collocations dictionary

  • Rule against perpetuities — The rule against perpetuities is a rule of law in effect under the property, trusts, estate, and contract law of many common law jurisdictions. The rule invalidates certain future interests (traditionally contingent remainders and executory… …   Wikipedia

  • rule — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 what you can or cannot do, say, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ basic, cardinal, first, fundamental, golden ▪ ground rules ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • violation — noun (C, U) 1 an action that breaks a law, agreement, principle etc: human rights violations (+ of): violations of the ceasefire | in violation of: The court s ruling is in violation of the UN Charter. | a violation of the 3 second rule in… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • violation — violational, adj. /vuy euh lay sheuhn/, n. 1. the act of violating. 2. the state of being violated. 3. a breach, infringement, or transgression, as of a law, rule, promise, etc.: He was fined for a traffic violation. 4. desecration; profanation:… …   Universalium

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