Смотреть что такое "violacein" в других словарях:
Violacein — [v ] das, s, ein von Chromobacterium violaceum gebildetes wasserunlösliches, purpurfarbenes Pigment. Nach seiner chemischen Struktur handelt es sich um ein Indolderivat … Universal-Lexikon
violacein — noun A violet pigment produced by certain bacteria … Wiktionary
violacein — vi·o·la·ce·in (vi″o laґse in) a violet pigment with antibiotic properties produced by species of Chromobacter. It is soluble in ethanol but not in water or chloroform … Medical dictionary
Chromobacterium violaceum — Blood agar plate culture of C. violaceum. Image from the CDC. Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Chromobacterium — A genus of bacteria containing Gram negative, motile rods. These microorganisms produce a violet pigment (violacein) and are occasionally pathogenic to humans and other animals. The type species is C. violaceum. C. violaceum type species of th … Medical dictionary
Chromobacterium — [k ], Chromobacterium violace|um, in Böden und Gewässern verbreitetes gramnegatives Bakterium, das ein wasserunlösliches purpurfarbenes Pigment bildet (Violacein) … Universal-Lexikon