- view-finder
- ˈvju:ˌfaɪndə сущ.;
фото видоискатель Syn : finder n фото видоискатель view-finder фото видоискатель
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
view finder — noun optical device that helps a user to find the target of interest • Syn: ↑finder, ↑viewfinder • Hypernyms: ↑optical device • Part Holonyms: ↑camera, ↑photographic camera, ↑telescope … Useful english dictionary
view finder — small telescope, small magnifying eyepiece … English contemporary dictionary
Electronic View Finder — Ein elektronischer Sucher (englisch: electronic view finder (EVF)) ist ein Sucher in Form eines sehr kleinen Flüssigkristallbildschirms in Digitalkameras. Wie bei einer Systemkamera sieht der Fotograf direkt durch das Objektiv und kann so den… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Optical View Finder — Dans les appareils photo reflex, le viseur est optique, permettant de voir l image qui passe à travers l objectif de l appareil. On retrouve dans le jargon photographique l abréviation OVF. En opposition avec l OVF, on trouve l Electronic View… … Wikipédia en Français
view|find|er — «VYOO FYN duhr», noun, or view finder, any device attached to or built in a camera for determining how much of a given scene is being photographed or televised … Useful english dictionary
Finder — may refer to:* A device attached to a telescope which gives a much larger field of view than the main telescope and so allows an astronomer to center the telescope on an object using crosshairs. * Finder (software), a core component of the Apple… … Wikipedia
Finder — Find er, n. 1. One who, or that which, finds; specifically (Astron.), a small telescope of low power and large field of view, attached to a larger telescope, for the purpose of finding an object more readily, called also a {finder telescope} or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
finder scope — Finder Find er, n. 1. One who, or that which, finds; specifically (Astron.), a small telescope of low power and large field of view, attached to a larger telescope, for the purpose of finding an object more readily, called also a {finder… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
finder telescope — Finder Find er, n. 1. One who, or that which, finds; specifically (Astron.), a small telescope of low power and large field of view, attached to a larger telescope, for the purpose of finding an object more readily, called also a {finder… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
finder — [fīn′dər] n. 1. a person or thing that finds 2. VIEWFINDER 3. a small, low powered telescope attached to a larger one, used to locate objects for closer view with the more powerful telescope: see TELESCOPE ☆ 4. a person who, for a fee (finder s… … English World dictionary
Electronic View Finder — Dans les appareils photographiques reflex, l image dans le viseur de l appareil reflex est recréée à l aide d un mini écran LCD Une meilleure alternative est la visée optique (OVF). Article connexe Oculaire Portail de la photographie … Wikipédia en Français