view camera

view camera
павильонный фотоаппарат

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "view camera" в других словарях:

  • View camera — The view camera is a type of camera first developed in the era of the DaguerreotypeStroebel, L. D. (1986). View Camera Technique , 5th ed., p. 212. Boston: Focal Press. ISBN 0 240 51711 3] and still in use today, though with many refinements. It… …   Wikipedia

  • view camera — noun : a camera having a rising, tilting, and swinging front, a removable lens board, a long bellows, a focusing cloth, a ground glass focusing screen, a tilting and swinging back, a plate or film holder, and a rack and pinion adjustment * * * a… …   Useful english dictionary

  • view camera — a camera equipped with a lens mount and film holder that can be raised or set at an angle, a bellows that can be additionally extended, and a back that has a ground glass for focusing, used especially for portraits and landscapes. * * * …   Universalium

  • view camera — noun A type of camera with a flexible bellows forming a light tight seal between two adjustable standards, one of which holds a lens, and the other a viewfinder or a photographic film holder …   Wiktionary

  • Camera — For other uses, see Camera (disambiguation). Various cameras A camera is a device that records and stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura… …   Wikipedia

  • Camera Obscura (band) — Camera Obscura Camera Obscura live at Debaser, Stockholm, Sweden Background information Origin Glasgow, Scotland …   Wikipedia

  • Camera (magazine) — Camera was a photography review that began its life in Lucerne, Switzerland, later distributed in many countries and languages. The magazine grew to its greatest international influence towards in latter half of its life of sixty years; on the… …   Wikipedia

  • camera — [kam′ər ə, kam′rə] n. pl. cameras; also for CAMERA 1, camerae [kam′ər ē΄] [L camera, vault < Gr kamara, vaulted chamber < IE base * kam , to arch] 1. a chamber; specif., the private office of a judge 2. short for CAMERA OBSCURA 3. [ …   English World dictionary

  • View-Master — reg; is a trademark for a device for viewing seven 3 D images (also known as stereo images) on a paper disk. Although it is now considered a children s toy, it was not originally marketed as such. =HistoryMary Ann Wolfgang Sell and Charley Van… …   Wikipedia

  • Camera con Vista — (Брешиа,Италия) Категория отеля: Адрес: Vicolo del Legnaiuolo 2, 25122 Брешиа, Ита …   Каталог отелей

  • Camera picta, Palazzo Ducale, Mantua — (Camera degli Sposi; 1465 1474)    The Camera Picta, or Painted Chamber, is the audience room in the Ducal Palace in Mantua frescoed by Andrea Mantegna for Ludovico Gonzaga and his family. The scenes utilize a journalistic approach as they depict …   Dictionary of Renaissance art

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