video-frame buffer
Смотреть что такое "video-frame buffer" в других словарях:
Frame buffer — Der Bildspeicher bzw. Framebuffer (engl. frame – Einzelbild, buffer – Puffer) ist Teil des Video RAM von Computern und entspricht einer digitalen Kopie des Monitorbildes. Das heißt, jedem Bildschirmpixel kann genau ein bestimmter Bereich des… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Video synthesizer — A Video Synthesizer is a device that electronically creates a video signal. A video synthesizer is able to generate a variety of visual material without camera input through the use of internal video pattern generators, as seen in the stillframes … Wikipedia
Video overlay — is any technique used to display a video window on a computer display while bypassing the chain of CPU > graphics card > computer monitor. This is done in order to speed up the video display, and it is commonly used, for example, by TV… … Wikipedia
Video mode — can mean: *Operation mode used in DVD recorder to create DVD Video compatible discs. See also VR Mode *Operation mode in Frame buffer: Framebuffer#Display modes … Wikipedia
Frame grabber — A frame grabber is an electronic device that captures individual, digital still frames from an analog video signal or a digital video stream. It is usually employed as a component of a computer vision system, in which video frames are captured in … Wikipedia
Video Toaster — The NewTek Video Toaster is a combination of hardware and software for the editing and production of standard definition and high definition video in NTSC, PAL, and resolution independent formats on Commodore Amiga computers and subsequently on… … Wikipedia
Video wall — A video wall. Rear projection displays with narrow mullions. A vi … Wikipedia
Frame rate — Frame rate, or frame frequency, is the measurement of the frequency (rate) at which an imaging device produces unique consecutive images called frames. The term applies equally well to computer graphics, video cameras, film cameras, and motion… … Wikipedia
Video Coding Layer — La capa de codificación de vídeo, o en inglés Video Coding Layer (VCL) es parte del estándar de video H.264/AVC y similar a MPEG 2 en lo que a su filosofía se refiere. Mezcla predicción temporal (se refiere al conjunto de frames que se suceden) y … Wikipedia Español
Video buffering verifier — The video buffering verifier (VBV) is a theoretical MPEG video buffer used to assess whether a video stream complies with the MPEG standard buffering requirements. By definition, the VBV buffer shall not overflow nor underflow when its input is a … Wikipedia
Vídeo — Para otros usos de este término, véase Vídeo (desambiguación). El vídeo[1] o video[2] [3] es la tecnología de la captación, grabación, procesamiento, almacenamiento, transmisión y reconstrucción por medios electrónicos digitales o analógicos de… … Wikipedia Español