video conferencing

video conferencing

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "video conferencing" в других словарях:

  • video-conferencing — ˌvideo ˈconferencing , video conferencing noun [uncountable] TELECOMMUNICATIONS a system that allows a lot of people in different places to communicate with each other, using special equipment that can send sound and pictures: • Corporations use… …   Financial and business terms

  • Video Conferencing —   [dt. Videokonferenz], eine Besprechung, bei der sich die Teilnehmer an zwei oder mehr verschiedenen Orten aufhalten, wobei Videobilder und Ton zwischen diesen Orten jeweils in beide Richtungen übertragen werden. Zur Ausstattung gehören daher… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • video conferencing — video .conferencing n [U] a system that makes it possible to have meetings with people in different parts of the world by sending pictures and sound electronically …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • video conferencing —    A method used to allow people at remote locations to join in a conference and share information. Originally done with analog video and expensive satellite links, video conferencing is now performed with compressed digital video transmitted… …   Dictionary of networking

  • Video Conferencing — A technology that allows users in different locations to hold face to face meetings without having to move to a single location. This technology is particularly convenient for business users in different cities or even different countries because …   Investment dictionary

  • video conferencing — [[t]vɪ̱dioʊ kɒ̱nfrənsɪŋ[/t]] also video conferencing, videoconferencing N UNCOUNT Video conferencing is a system that enables people in various places around the world to have a meeting by seeing and hearing each other on a screen …   English dictionary

  • video-conferencing — see video conferencing …   English dictionary

  • Video Conferencing —   Data communications systems which transmit picture and voice interactively …   International financial encyclopaedia

  • video conferencing — noun (U) a system that allows people to communicate with each other by sending pictures and sounds electronically …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • video-conference — video conferencing ˌvideo ˈconferencing , video conferencing noun [uncountable] TELECOMMUNICATIONS a system that allows a lot of people in different places to communicate with each other, using special equipment that can send sound and pictures:… …   Financial and business terms

  • conferencing — con‧fe‧renc‧ing [ˈkɒnfrənsɪŋ ǁ ˈkɑːn ] noun [uncountable] TELECOMMUNICATIONS discussions between a group of people using telephones, video equipment etc, often over the Internet: • Web conferencing is used to hold group meetings or live… …   Financial and business terms

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