
vɪˈsɪnɪtɪ сущ.
1) близость, соседство in the immediate vicinity of the schoolсовсем рядом со школой close vicinity, immediate vicinity ≈ непосредственная близость, непосредственное соседство in the vicinity of Syn : neighborhood
2) окрестности;
район Syn : neighbourhood соседство;
близость (к чему-л.) - * to the capital соседство со столицей - in the * of близ (чего-л.) ;
вблизи (от чего-л.) , по соседству (с чем-л.) - in close * to smth. в непосредственной близости от чего-л. - the * of Mars to the Earth близость Марса к Земле окружающий район, окрестность, близлежащий район - there is no library in the * поблизости библиотеки нет - it is not found in such vicinities в близлежащих районах этого не бывает приблизительное число, количество и т. п. - he is in the * of sixty ему скоро шестьдесят /ему около шестидесяти/ ~ соседство, близость;
in close vicinity близко, по соседству in the ~ of около, приблизительно;
(he is) in the vicinity of fifty (ему) около пятидесяти in the ~ of поблизости in the ~ of около, приблизительно;
(he is) in the vicinity of fifty (ему) около пятидесяти vicinity близость ~ окрестности;
район ~ окрестности ~ соседство, близость;
in close vicinity близко, по соседству ~ соседство

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vicinity" в других словарях:

  • Vicinity — Vi*cin i*ty (v[i^]*s[i^]n [i^]*t[y^]; 277), n. [L. vicinitas, from vicinus neighboring, near, from vicus a row of houses, a village; akin to Gr. o i^kos a house, Skr. v[=e][,c]a a house, vi[,c] to enter, Goth. weihs town: cf. OF. vicinit[ e]. Cf …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • vicinity — [və sin′ə tē] n. pl. vicinities [L vicinitas < vicinus, near < vicus, group of houses, village: see ECO ] 1. the state of being near or close by; nearness; proximity [two theaters in close vicinity] 2. the region or area surrounding a… …   English World dictionary

  • vicinity — I noun area, confines, environs, neighborhood, outskirts, precincts, propinquity, proximity, purlieu, region, scene, setting, suburbs, surroundings, territory, zone II index area (province), locality, location …   Law dictionary

  • vicinity — (n.) 1560, nearness in place, from L. vicinitas of or pertaining to neighbors or a neighborhood, from vicinus neighbor, neighboring, from vicus group of houses, village, related to the wick, wich in English place names, from PIE *weik (see VILLA… …   Etymology dictionary

  • vicinity — neighborhood, district, *locality Analogous words: region, *area: section, sector (see PART n) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • vicinity — [n] local area around*, ballpark*, district, environment, environs, hood, locality, nearness, neck of the woods*, neighborhood, precinct, pretty near*, propinquity, proximity, purlieus, range, region, surroundings, territory, turf*, vicinage;… …   New thesaurus

  • vicinity — ► NOUN (pl. vicinities) ▪ the area near or surrounding a place. ORIGIN Latin vicinitas, from vicinus neighbour …   English terms dictionary

  • vicinity — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ close, immediate, near ▪ general ▪ The murder occurred in the general vicinity of where the bodies were found. VERB + VICINITY ▪ …   Collocations dictionary

  • vicinity — n. 1) the close, immediate vicinity 2) in the vicinity (in the immediate vicinity of the school) * * * [vɪ sɪnɪtɪ] immediatevicinity the close in the vicinity (in the immediate vicinity of the school) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • vicinity — vi|cin|i|ty [vıˈsınıti] n formal [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: vicinitas, from vicinus near , from vicus row of houses, village ] 1.) in the vicinity (of sth) in the area around a particular place ▪ The stolen car was found in the vicinity… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • vicinity — vi|cin|i|ty [ vı sınəti ] noun singular the area near a particular place: the weather forecast for Philadelphia and vicinity in the vicinity of: a university somewhere in the vicinity of Boston in the vicinity of FORMAL used before a number to… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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