Смотреть что такое "vibroacoustic" в других словарях:
vibroacoustic — vi·bro·acous·tic (vi″bro ə k sґtik) 1. containing both vibratory and acoustic elements. 2. referring to sound associated with tactile vibration as well as, or instead of, auditory stimuli … Medical dictionary
Виброобработка скважин — ► vibroacoustic well treatment Способ увеличения проницаемости пород в призабойной зоне эксплуатационных и нагнетательных скважин с помощью гидравлических вибраторов. Основан на ударном действии импульсов давления, генерируемых в жидкости,… … Нефтегазовая микроэнциклопедия
United States Navy in Vieques, Puerto Rico — Vieques, Puerto Rico, from the Air The United States Navy used Vieques, Puerto Rico for naval training and testing from 1941 to May 1, 2003. Some current studies show drastic increases in health problems which may or may not be related to toxic… … Wikipedia
Nonstress test — Diagnostics ICD 9 CM 75.34 A nonstress test (NST) is a screening test used in pregnancy. A cardiotocograph is used to monitor the fetal heart rate … Wikipedia
Surgery — This article is about the medical specialty. For other uses, see Surgery (disambiguation). A cardiothoracic surgeon performs a mitral valve replacement at the Fitzsimons Army Medical Center. Surgery (from the Greek … Wikipedia
Caesarean section — Intervention A team of obstetricians performing a Caesarean section in a modern hospital. ICD 9 CM … Wikipedia
Obstetrics — Further information: Obstetrics and gynaecology Obstetrician Occupation Names Doctor, consultant, medical specialist Activity sectors Medicine and surgery Description Education required Medical training and specialised postgr … Wikipedia
Less-lethal weapon — Less lethal weapons, less than lethal weapons, non lethal weapons, non deadly weapons, or, more recently, compliance weapons are weapons intended to be unlikely to kill or to cause great bodily injury to a living target. In the past, police (or… … Wikipedia
Directed-energy weapon — This article is about practical experiments with energy weapons. For fictional uses, see raygun. Humvee with Active Denial System mounted A directed energy weapon (DEW) emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It… … Wikipedia
High-energy radio-frequency weapons — (HERF) or High Power Radio Frequency weapons (HPRF) are weapons that use high intensity radio waves to disrupt electronics. They are a type of directed energy weapon. They operate similarly to electromagnetic pulse (EMP) devices, by inducing… … Wikipedia
Obstetric ultrasonography — Intervention Obstetric sonogram of a fetus at 16 weeks. The bright white circle center right is the head, which faces to the left. Features include the forehead at 10 o clock, the left ear toward the center at 7 o clock and the right hand… … Wikipedia