vibratory motion
Смотреть что такое "vibratory motion" в других словарях:
Vibratory — Vi bra*to*ry, a. [Cf. F. vibratoire.] Consisting in, or causing, vibration, or oscillation; vibrating; as, a vibratory motion; a vibratory power. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
simple harmonic motion — Physics. vibratory motion in a system in which the restoring force is proportional to the displacement from equilibrium. Abbr.: S.H.M., s.h.m. * * * Repetitive back and forth movement through a central, or equilibrium, position in which the… … Universalium
simple harmonic motion — noun a form of vibratory motion which may be represented by projecting on to the diameter of a circle the uniform motion of a point round its circumference. Abbrev.: SHM …
Brownian motion — Brownian Brown i*an, a. Pertaining to Dr. Robert Brown, who first demonstrated (about 1827) the commonness of the motion described below. [1913 Webster] {Brownian motion}, {Brownian movement}, the peculiar, rapid, vibratory movement exhibited by… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
harmonic motion — Physics. periodic motion consisting of one or more vibratory motions that are symmetric about a region of equilibrium, as the motion of a vibrating string of a musical instrument. [1865 70] * * * … Universalium
harmonic motion — harmon′ic mo′tion n. phs periodic motion consisting of one or more vibratory motions that are symmetric about a region of equilibrium, as the motion of a pendulum • Etymology: 1865–70 … From formal English to slang
musical sound — Introduction any tone with characteristics such as controlled pitch and timbre. The sounds are produced by instruments in which the periodic vibrations can be controlled by the performer. That some sounds are intrinsically musical,… … Universalium
damping — damp·ing (dămʹpĭng) n. The capacity built into a mechanical or electrical device to prevent excessive correction and the resulting instability or oscillatory conditions. * * * In physics, the restraint of vibratory motion, such as mechanical… … Universalium
Hypnosis — For the states induced by hypnotic drugs, see Sleep and Unconsciousness. Hypnotized redirects here. For other uses, see Hypnotized (disambiguation). Hypnosis Applications Hypnotherapy Stage hypnosis Self hypnosis Origins Animal magnetism Franz… … Wikipedia
Sympathetic resonance — is a harmonic phenomenon wherein a formerly passive string or vibratory body responds to external vibrations to which it has a harmonic likeness. The classic example is demonstrated with two similar tuning forks of which one is mounted on a… … Wikipedia
vi|bra|to|ry — «VY bruh TAWR ee, tohr », adjective. 1. a) vibrating or easily vibrated: »a vibratory set of strings. b) capable of vibration: »a tuning fork is vibratory. 2. of or having to do with vibration: »vibratory motion. 3. causing or producing vibration … Useful english dictionary