vibrational wear
Смотреть что такое "vibrational wear" в других словарях:
radiation — radiational, adj. /ray dee ay sheuhn/, n. 1. Physics. a. the process in which energy is emitted as particles or waves. b. the complete process in which energy is emitted by one body, transmitted through an intervening medium or space, and… … Universalium
Ghedee — (or Gheede) (pronounced|ˈʒiː.iː.diː) is the name of a secret society of energy workers in the coastal region of West Africa, primarily in The Ivory Coast and Liberia. The primary focus of Ghedee practice is physical, mental, and emotional healing … Wikipedia
Comparison of analog and digital recording — This article compares the two ways in which sound is recorded and stored. Actual sound waves consist of continuous variations in air pressure. Representations of these signals can be recorded using either digital or analog techniques. An analog… … Wikipedia
Acoustic quieting — This article primarily discusses mechanical and acoustic noise. See Noise reduction for electronic noise. : For noise masking by saturation, see Sound masking or pink noise.Acoustic quieting is the process of making machinery quieter by damping… … Wikipedia
atom — /at euhm/, n. 1. Physics. a. the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element, consisting of a nucleus containing combinations of neutrons and protons and one or more electrons bound to the nucleus by electrical… … Universalium
Navaratna — See Navaratnas for the group of people in a king s court. Thailand s flawless Queen Sirikit Navaratna Necklace. Navaratna is literally a Sanskrit compound word meaning nine gems . Contents … Wikipedia
Superboy-Prime — Superherobox caption=Superboy Prime in his Anti Monitor inspired armor. Cover to Infinite Crisis #6 (2006). Art by Jim Lee and Sandra Hope. character name=Superboy Prime publisher=DC Comics debut= DC Comics Presents #87 (November 1985)… … Wikipedia
Bass trap — Bass Traps are acoustic absorbers or sound baffles which have the ability to capture low frequency sound. Bass traps are used to provide acoustic absorptive treatment in rooms and are common tools used in architectural acoustics. Bass traps are… … Wikipedia
coloration — colorational, adj. colorationally, adv. /kul euh ray sheuhn/, n. appearance with regard to color arrangement or use of colors; coloring: the bold coloration of some birds. [1605 15; COLOR + ATION] * * * ▪ biology Introduction in biology,… … Universalium
Magnetic cartridge — An Audio Technica AT F3 MC cartridge A magnetic cartridge is a transducer used for the playback of gramophone records on a turntable or phonograph. It converts mechanical vibrational energy from a stylus riding in a spiral record groove into an… … Wikipedia
Drilling rig — For a detailed diagram of a Petroleum drilling rig, see List of components of oil drilling rigs. Drilling rig preparing rock blasting … Wikipedia