via point
Смотреть что такое "via point" в других словарях:
Point Monroe, Bainbridge Island, Washington — Point Monroe is a unique neighborhood on Bainbridge Island, Washington. Located on the northeastern end of the island, just north of Fay Bainbridge State Park, Point Monroe, also known as the Sandspit, is a thin strip of land that wraps around a… … Wikipedia
Point Pelee National Park — Infobox protected area | name = Point Pelee National Park iucn category = II caption = Location of Point Pelee National Park in Canada locator x = 180 locator y = 219 location = Canada nearest city = Leamington, Ontario lat degrees = 41 lat… … Wikipedia
Point-to-point (telecommunications) — Point to point telecommunications generally refers to a connection restricted to two endpoints, usually host computers.Point to point is sometimes referred to as P2P, or Pt2Pt, or variations of this. Among other things, P2P also refers to peer to … Wikipedia
Via della Conciliazione — (Road of the Conciliation [The name finally settled upon for the project was chosen by journalist Franco Franchi after World War II; Delli, Sergio. Le strade di Roma , Newton Compton, Rome, 1975 (sub vocem)] ) is a street in the rione of Borgo… … Wikipedia
VIA Technologies — Logo de VIA Technologies Création 1987 Si … Wikipédia en Français
Via ferrata — à Savoie Grand Revard La via ferrata est un itinéraire sportif, situé dans une paroi rocheuse, équipé avec des éléments spécifiques (câbles, échelles, etc.) destinés à faciliter la progression et optimiser la sécurité des personnes qui l… … Wikipédia en Français
Point of Order (film) — Point of Order! is a 1964 documentary film about the Senate Army McCarthy Hearings of 1954. The hearings were broadcast live on television in their entirety and also recorded via kinescope. Made without narration, the film was compiled from the… … Wikipedia
Via Aemilia — (It. Via Emilia ) was a trunk Roman road in the north Italian plain, running from Ariminum (Rimini), on the Adriatic coast, to Placentia (Piacenza) on the river Padus (Po). It was completed in 187 BC. The Via Aemilia connected at Rimini with the… … Wikipedia
Via Cornelia — is an ancient Roman Road that supposedly ran east west along the northern wall of the Circus of Nero on land now covered by the southern wall of St. Peter s Basilica. It is closely associated with the Via Aurelia and the Via Triumphalis. [ O… … Wikipedia
Via Turronensis — Via Turonensis La via Turonensis (ou voie de Tours) est le nom latin d un des quatre chemins de France du pèlerinage de Saint Jacques de Compostelle, le plus au nord. Elle part de la tour Saint Jacques à Paris, puis traverse Orléans, Tours,… … Wikipédia en Français
Point-to-multipoint communication — is a term that is used in the telecommunications field which refers to communication which is accomplished via a specific and distinct type of one to many connection, providing multiple paths from a single location to multiple locations.[1] Point … Wikipedia