- vexed question
- больной вопрос, спорный вопрос
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
vexed question — noun A matter greatly debated • • • Main Entry: ↑vex * * * vexed question, a question causing difficulty and debate: »The situation of little magazines is so bound up with vexed questions of cultural ecoomics and with wider questions about… … Useful english dictionary
vexed question — index dilemma, problem Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
vexed question — A question or point of law often discussed or agitated, but not determined or settled … Black's law dictionary
vexed — [vekst] adj 1.) vexed question/issue/problem etc a complicated problem that has caused a lot of discussion and argument and is difficult to solve vexed question/issue/problem etc of ▪ the vexed question of sexism 2.) [+ at/with] old fashioned… … Dictionary of contemporary English
Vexed — Vexed, a. 1. Annoyed; harassed; troubled. [1913 Webster] 2. Much debated or contested; causing discussion; as, a vexed question. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vexed — [ vekst ] adjective 1. ) full of difficulties: PROBLEMATIC: the vexed question of the national minimum wage 2. ) OLD FASHIONED annoyed, confused, or worried … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
vexed — (adj.) mid 15c., pp. adjective from VEX (Cf. vex). Phrase vexed question attested from 1848 … Etymology dictionary
question — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 sentence, etc. that asks sth ADJECTIVE ▪ awkward, difficult, embarrassing, hard, tough, tricky ▪ pointed, probing … Collocations dictionary
question */*/*/ — I UK [ˈkwestʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms question : singular question plural questions 1) a) [countable] something that someone asks you when they want information answer a question: Why won t you answer my question? ask a question: I regretted… … English dictionary
vexed — [[t]ve̱kst[/t]] ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A vexed problem or question is very difficult and causes people a lot of trouble. → See also vex European Community ministers have begun work on the vexed issue of economic union... Later Mr Moi raised the… … English dictionary
vexed — adjective 1 (+ at/with) old fashioned annoyed or worried 2 vexed question/issue a complicated problem that has caused a lot of arguments and is difficult to solve: the vexed question of how to deal with hunger strikers … Longman dictionary of contemporary English