vesper bell
Смотреть что такое "vesper bell" в других словарях:
vesper bell — vesper bell, the bell that summons to vespers or evensong … Useful english dictionary
vesper-bell — vesˈper bell noun The bell that summons to vespers • • • Main Entry: ↑vesper … Useful english dictionary
vesper — /ves peuhr/, n. 1. (cap.) the evening star, esp. Venus; Hesper. 2. Also called vesper bell. a bell rung at evening. 3. vespers, (sometimes cap.) Eccles. a. a religious service in the late afternoon or the evening. b. the sixth of the seven… … Universalium
vesper — noun a) The bell that summons worshipers to vespers; the vesper bell b) evening … Wiktionary
vesper — /ˈvɛspə / (say vespuh) noun 1. evening. 2. an evening prayer, service, song, etc. 3. a vesper bell; a bell rung at evening. –adjective 4. of, relating to, appearing in, or proper to the evening. 5. of or relating to vespers. {Middle English, from …
vesper — I. noun Etymology: Middle English, from Latin, evening, evening star more at west Date: 14th century 1. capitalized, archaic evening star 2. a vesper bell 3. archaic evening, eventide II … New Collegiate Dictionary
bell — [n] signaling object or sound alarm, buzz, buzzer, carillon, chime, clapper, curfew, dingdong*, dinger*, gong, peal, ringer, siren, tintinnabulum, tocsin, toll, vesper; concept 595 … New thesaurus
vesper — ves•per [[t]ˈvɛs pər[/t]] n. 1) (cap.) the evening star, esp. Venus 2) Also called ves′per bell . a bell rung at evening 3) rel vespers, (often cap.) a) a religious service in the late afternoon or evening; the sixth of the seven canonical hours… … From formal English to slang
vesper — ves·per || vespÉ™(r) n. evening star, planet Venus; evening (Archaic) n. bell which calls worshippers to evening prayer service (Christianity) … English contemporary dictionary
List of Oz characters — For characters in the American TV series, see List of Oz (TV series) characters. This is a list of characters in the Oz books of L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, John R. Neill, Jack Snow, Rachel Cosgrove Payes, Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren … Wikipedia
List of characters in the Oz books — This is a list of characters in the Oz books of L. Frank Baum, Ruth Plumly Thompson, John R. Neill, Jack Snow, Rachel Cosgrove Payes, Eloise Jarvis McGraw and Lauren McGraw, Dick Martin, and Eric ShanowerA* A B Sea Serpent * Aa, the Salt Sorcerer … Wikipedia