vertical roll
Смотреть что такое "vertical roll" в других словарях:
vertical roll/charlie — An aerobatic maneuver normally commenced at a low level. The aircraft does a high speed run at a low level, pulls up into a vertical climb, and performs quick rolls to one side. As the speed washes off, the aircraft is pulled up farther to… … Aviation dictionary
Roll-on/roll-off — (RORO or ro ro) ships are ferries designed to carry wheeled cargo such as automobiles, trucks, semi trailer trucks, trailers or railroad cars. This is in contrast to lo lo (lift on lift off) vessels which use a crane to load and unload cargo.RORO … Wikipedia
Roll center — The roll center of a vehicle is the notional point at which the cornering forces in the suspension are reacted to the vehicle body.TheoryThere are two definitions of roll center. The most commonly used is the geometric (or kinematic) roll center … Wikipedia
Vertical form fill sealing machine — This is a type of automated assembly line product packaging system, commonly used to in the packaging industry for food, and a wide variety of other products. The machine constructs plastic bags out of a flat roll of plastic film, while… … Wikipedia
roll — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. drumming, rumble, rattle, clatter, patter, toll; trill, chime, beat; reverberation, echoing, thunder; tattoo, rat a tat, rub a dub, pitter patter, dingdong, ticktock, charivari, quaver, peal of bells; … English dictionary for students
roll center — the point in the transverse vertical plane through any pair of wheel centers at which lateral forces may be applied to the sprung mass without producing suspension roll. Note: the roll center constitutes an idealized concept and does not… … Mechanics glossary
vertical renversement — noun : an air maneuver in which an airplane reverses its direction of flight by pulling up in a vertical climb until stall, dropping the nose in a wingover, and doing a half roll … Useful english dictionary
Roll — WikiV A loss of vertical synchronization which causes the picture to move up or down on a receiver or monitor … Audio and video glossary
french roll — noun Usage: usually capitalized F : a roll resembling French bread in texture and oval in shape * * * 1. a circular or oval bread roll having a hard or crispy crust. 2. Also called French twist. a coiffure for women in which the hair is combed… … Useful english dictionary
French roll — 1. a circular or oval bread roll having a hard or crispy crust. 2. Also called French twist. a coiffure for women in which the hair is combed back from the face and arranged in a vertical roll on the back of the head. [1940 45] * * * … Universalium
French roll — (or French pleat) noun a hairstyle in which the hair is tucked into a vertical roll down the back of the head … English new terms dictionary