vertical movement
Смотреть что такое "vertical movement" в других словарях:
Vertical draft — For the band, see Air Pocket (band) An updraft or downdraft is the vertical movement of air as a weather related phenomenon. One of two forces causes the air to move. Localized regions of warm or cool air will exhibit vertical movement. A mass of … Wikipedia
Movement Medicine — is a relatively new practice of movement meditation, developed by Susannah and Ya Acov Darling Khan.[1] For ten years they co directed the Moving Centre School Europe, representing Gabrielle Roth and the 5rhythms in Europe until 2007.[2] Susannah … Wikipedia
Vertical mobility — refers to a person or group s movement up or down a status hierarchy. This is commonly referred to as social mobility, yet vertical mobility can also refer to any movement up or down a hierarchy of any kind, not necessarily related to social… … Wikipedia
vertical nystagmus — n nystagmus characterized by up and down movement of the eyes * * * an up and down movement of the eyes … Medical dictionary
vertical motion — movement in a straight up and down direction … English contemporary dictionary
Vertical wind tunnel — A vertical wind tunnel (VWT) is a wind tunnel which moves air up in a vertical column. It is a recreational wind tunnel, frequently advertised as indoor skydiving or bodyflight . It is also a popular training tool for skydivers.Vertical wind… … Wikipedia
Vertical Farming — Designbeispiele für Farmscrapers Vertikale Landwirtschaft oder Vertical Farming (engl.) ist ein Begriff der Zukunftstechnologie, welche eine tragfähige Landwirtschaft und Massenproduktion pflanzlicher und tierischer Erzeugnisse im Ballungsgebiet… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Vertical punch — The Isshin ryū punch is launched from the side, keeping the fist vertical the entire time.(A still picture of Master Shimabuku striking the makiwara shows the fist rotating a quarter turn.) The elbow is kept close to the side and the shoulder is… … Wikipedia
vertical fault — Fault Fault, n. [OE. faut, faute, F. faute (cf. It., Sp., & Pg. falta), fr. a verb meaning to want, fail, freq., fr. L. fallere to deceive. See {Fail}, and cf. {Default}.] 1. Defect; want; lack; default. [1913 Webster] One, it pleases me, for… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vertical migration — the upward and downward movement of fish in a lake or the ocean. Movement is usually into surface waters at night to feed and into deeper waters to avoid predators during the day … Dictionary of ichthyology
vertical mobility — /vɜtɪkəl moʊˈbɪləti/ (say vertikuhl moh biluhtee) noun the movement of individuals or groups to a socio economic group above or below that into which they were born, or the ability or potential for such movement …