vertical deviation

vertical deviation
отклонение от вертикали

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vertical deviation" в других словарях:

  • Dissociated Vertical Deviation — Dissociated Vertical Deviation(DVD) is an ocular condition which occurs in association with a squint, typically Infantile Esotropia. Patients with DVD show an upward movement of one eye when the eye is covered (i.e. when the two eyes are… …   Wikipedia

  • Dissociated vertical deviation — (DVD) is an ocular condition which occurs in association with a squint, typically Infantile Esotropia. Contents 1 Mechanism 2 Characteristics 3 Differential Diagnosis …   Wikipedia

  • Deviation de la verticale — Déviation de la verticale La déviation de la verticale (DV) est l angle entre la verticale (déterminée par la pesanteur) et la perpendiculaire à l ellipsoïde terrestre. La déviation de la verticale résulte du relief et des anomalies internes de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Déviation De La Verticale — La déviation de la verticale (DV) est l angle entre la verticale (déterminée par la pesanteur) et la perpendiculaire à l ellipsoïde terrestre. La déviation de la verticale résulte du relief et des anomalies internes de densité de la Terre. DV est …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dissociated vertical deviation — DVD a condition in which one eye looks upwards when the amount of light entering it is reduced, e.g. when it is covered. The eye returns to its original position when the cover is removed. DVD is an acquired condition chiefly associated with… …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • deviation — 1. A turning away or aside from the normal point or course. 2. An abnormality. 3. In psychiatry and the behavioral sciences, a departure from an accepted norm, role, or rule. SYN: deviance. 4. A statistical measure representing the …   Medical dictionary

  • Déviation de la verticale — La déviation de la verticale (DV) est l angle entre la verticale (déterminée par la pesanteur) et la perpendiculaire à l ellipsoïde terrestre. La déviation de la verticale résulte du relief et des anomalies internes de densité de la Terre. DV est …   Wikipédia en Français

  • deviation — n. 1) (in ophthalmology) any abnormal position of one or both eyes. For example, if the eyes are both looking to one side when the head is facing forwards, they are said to be deviated to that side. Such deviations of both eyes may occur in brain …   The new mediacal dictionary

  • Deviation of the line of the vertical — deviation de vi*a tion, n. [LL. deviatio: cf. F. d[ e]viation.] 1. The act of deviating; a wandering from the way; variation from the common way, from an established rule, etc.; departure, as from the right course or the path of duty. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • deviation — de vi*a tion, n. [LL. deviatio: cf. F. d[ e]viation.] 1. The act of deviating; a wandering from the way; variation from the common way, from an established rule, etc.; departure, as from the right course or the path of duty. [1913 Webster] 2. The …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Deviation of a falling body — deviation de vi*a tion, n. [LL. deviatio: cf. F. d[ e]viation.] 1. The act of deviating; a wandering from the way; variation from the common way, from an established rule, etc.; departure, as from the right course or the path of duty. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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