- version information
- информация о версии (включает информацию о производителе, название продукта, номер версии, копирайт, торговую марку;
поставляется в стандартной форме .EXE или .DLL -файла)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Information and media literacy — (IML) is as important as traditional reading and writing. Today’s students need to be information literate and media literate. Learning needs to be adapted to a “wired” society. The skills taught to students today will be irrelevant in a short… … Wikipedia
Information Management System — (IMS) ist ein Informationssystem des Unternehmens IBM. Es besteht aus den Komponenten IMS/DB (hierarchisches Datenbanksystem) und IMS/TM (Transaktionsmonitor frühere Bezeichnung: IMS/DC). Der IMS/TM kann auch ohne die IMS/DB eingesetzt werden. Er … Deutsch Wikipedia
Information for Social Change — (ISC) is an international, volunteer based association, whose primary mission is to debate and comment on issues of social justice, censorship, freedom and ethics in the library and information context. Information for Social Change can be… … Wikipedia
Information and Communication Technologies for Development — (ICT4D) is a general term referring to the application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) within the field of socio economic development. ICTs can be applied either in the direct sense, where their use directly benefits the… … Wikipedia
Information Integration Theory — was proposed by Norman H. Anderson to describe and model how a person integrates information from a number of sources in to make an overall judgment. The theory proposes three functions. [1] The valuation function V(S) is an empirically derived… … Wikipedia
Information Presentation Facility — (IPF) is a system for presenting online help and hypertext on IBM OS/2 systems. IPF also refers to the markup language that is used to create IPF content. The IPF language has its origins in BookMaster and Generalized Markup Language developed by … Wikipedia
Version (альбом) — Version … Википедия
Information Society — Datos generales Origen Estados Unidos … Wikipedia Español
Information and Content Exchange — (ICE) is an XML based protocol used for content syndication via the Internet. By using XML both sender and receiver have an agreed upon language in which to communicate. The system uses a Client Server architecture.On October 27, 1998 the… … Wikipedia
Information Disclosure — (dt. Informationspreisgabe), auch Information Leakage (dt. Informationsleck) genannt, bezeichnet das ungewollte Enthüllen von sicherheitskritischen Informationen. Meist sind dies systeminterne Informationen wie Fehlermeldungen mit detaillierter… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Information Technology Infrastructure Library — Cet article concerne Information Technology Infrastructure Library. Pour la capitale des Khazars, voir Itil. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library pour « Bibliothèque pour l infrastructure des technologies de l… … Wikipédia en Français