vernacular name

vernacular name
общеупотребительное название;
народное название

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "vernacular name" в других словарях:

  • vernacular name — the name of a taxon in any language other than the language of zoological nomenclature; vernacular names have no status in zoological nomenclature, except certain family group names (which were later latinized and generally accepted by zoologists …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • vernacular name —   The common name of a species or group other than the formal Latin or Latinized scientific name …   Expanded glossary of Cycad terms

  • vernacular name — The colloquial designation of a taxon; see scientific name …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

  • vernacular — [vər nak′yə lər] adj. [< L vernaculus, belonging to home born slaves, indigenous < verna, a native slave, prob. < Etr * versna, hearth < verse, fire] 1. using the native language of a country or place [a vernacular writer] 2. commonly …   English World dictionary

  • Cowslip (vernacular name) — For other uses, see Cowslip. Cowslip may refer to: Primula veris, a flowering plant also known as primrose Caltha palustris, a flowering plant also known as marsh marigold This article includes a list of related items that share the same name (or …   Wikipedia

  • vernacular — I. adjective Etymology: Latin vernaculus native, from verna slave born in the master s house, native Date: 1601 1. a. using a language or dialect native to a region or country rather than a literary, cultured, or foreign language b. of, relating… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • vernacular — vernacularly, adv. /veuhr nak yeuh leuhr, veuh nak /, adj. 1. (of language) native or indigenous (opposed to literary or learned). 2. expressed or written in the native language of a place, as literary works: a vernacular poem. 3. using such a… …   Universalium

  • name — I n. appellation 1) to adopt, assume; bear; use a name 2) to give smb. a name 3) to call smb. a (bad) name 4) to immortalize smb. s name 5) to invoke God s name 6) an assumed; Christian (esp. BE), first, given; code; dirty; family name, surname;… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Name of Austria — Document in which the word ostarrichi is first mentioned (red circle). This document, dated 996, marks the founding of Austria, according to the modern Austrian government. The German name of Austria, Österreich, derives from the Old High German… …   Wikipedia

  • vernacular — /vəˈnækjələ / (say vuh nakyuhluh) adjective 1. native or originating in the place of its occurrence or use, as language or words (often as opposed to literary or learned language). 2. expressed or written in the native language of a place, as… …  

  • vernacular — ver•nac•u•lar [[t]vərˈnæk yə lər, vəˈnæk [/t]] adj. 1) ling. (of language) native or indigenous (opposed to literary or learned) 2) ling. expressed or written in the native language of a place 3) ling. of, pertaining to, or using such a language… …   From formal English to slang

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