Смотреть что такое "vermin-infested" в других словарях:
vermin — n. 1) to exterminate vermin 2) (misc.) infested with vermin * * * [ vɜːmɪn] (misc.) infested with vermin to exterminate vermin … Combinatory dictionary
vermin — noun (plural) 1 small animals or birds that destroy crops, spoil food etc, and are difficult to control: a barn infested with vermin compare pest 2 insects that live on people s or animals bodies, bite them, and drink their blood: a bed alive… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Infested — Infest In*fest , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Infested}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Infesting}.] [L. infestare, fr. infestus disturbed, hostile, troublesome; in in, against + the root of defendere: cf. F. infester. See {Defend}.] To trouble greatly by numbers or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vermin — ver•min [[t]ˈvɜr mɪn[/t]] n. pl. ver•min 1) zool. noxious or objectionable animals collectively, esp. those of small size that appear commonly and are difficult to control, as flies, lice, cockroaches, and rats 2) an objectionable or obnoxious… … From formal English to slang
infested — adj. overrun, teeming; repeatedly harassed (as with pests or vermin) in·fest || ɪn fest v. overrun in large numbers, swarm in or about in a troublesome manner; invade, harass … English contemporary dictionary
Verminous — Ver min*ous, a. [L. verminosus, fr. vermis a worm: cf. F. vermineux.] 1. Tending to breed vermin; infested by vermin. [1913 Webster] Some . . . verminous disposition of the body. Harvey. [1913 Webster] 2. Caused by, or arising from the presence… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obox-ob — In many campaign settings for the Dungeons Dragons fantasy role playing game, Obox ob is a demon lord, also called the Prince of Vermin. Unlike many of the infamous demon princes, Obox ob is an obyrith, a type of demon far older than the tanar ri … Wikipedia
VI — (police, etc.) (of a dead body) putrefied and infested with maggots; fly blown (standing for Vermin Infested ) … Dictionary of Australian slang
vi — Australian Slang (police, etc.) (of a dead body) putrefied and infested with maggots; fly blown (standing for Vermin Infested ) … English dialects glossary
Conciergerie — The Palais de Justice, the Conciergerie and the Tour de l Horloge, by Adrien Dauzats, after 1858 La Conciergerie (French pronunciation: [la kɔ̃sjɛʒəʁi]) is a former royal palace and prison in Paris, France, located on the west of the Île de… … Wikipedia
Missy Elliott — Birth name Melissa Arnette Elliott Also known as Misdemeanor, Missy Elliot Born July 1, 1971 (1971 07 01) (age 40) Portsmouth, Virginia, U.S … Wikipedia