- verbid
- (грамматика) неличная форма глагола (инфинитив, герундий, причастие)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
verbid — [vʉr′bid] n. [ VERB + ID] Gram. a word or form, as a gerund, infinitive, or participle, that functions in part as a verb, as in taking an object, but cannot form a syntactically complete sentence (Ex.: watching television can be tiring) … English World dictionary
verbid — noun Date: 1914 verbal … New Collegiate Dictionary
verbid — /verr bid/, n. Gram. a nonfinite verb form; a verbal; an infinitive, participle, or gerund. [1910 15; VERB + ID2] * * * … Universalium
verbid — noun a) A noun or adjective that can be used as a verb b) A nonfinite verb form, such as, in English, an infinitive, participle, or gerund. Syn: verbal (noun) … Wiktionary
verbid — ver·bid … English syllables
verbid — ver•bid [[t]ˈvɜr bɪd[/t]] n. gram. verbal • Etymology: 1910–15 … From formal English to slang
verbid — ˈvərbə̇d noun ( s) Etymology: verb + id : verbal … Useful english dictionary
apostrophe — apostrophe1 apostrophic /ap euh strof ik, stroh fik/, adj. /euh pos treuh fee/, n. the sign ( ), as used: to indicate the omission of one or more letters in a word, whether unpronounced, as in o er for over, or pronounced, as in gov t for… … Universalium
epidote — epidotic /ep i dot ik/, adj. /ep i doht /, n. a mineral, calcium aluminum iron silicate, Ca2(Al, Fe)3Si3O12(OH), occurring in green prismatic crystals. [1800 10; < F épidote < Gk *epidotós given besides, increased (verbid of epididónai), equiv.… … Universalium
lepidote — /lep i doht /, adj. Bot. covered with scurfy scales or scaly spots. [1830 40; < NL lepidotus < Gk lepidotós scaly, equiv. to lepido (verbid s. of lepidoûn to make scaly; see LEPIDO ) + tos verbid suffix] * * * … Universalium
synthetic — synthetically, adv. /sin thet ik/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, proceeding by, or involving synthesis (opposed to analytic). 2. noting or pertaining to compounds formed through a chemical process by human agency, as opposed to those of natural… … Universalium