verbal understanding
Смотреть что такое "verbal understanding" в других словарях:
Verbal Behavior (book) — Verbal Behavior is a 1957 book by psychologist B. F. Skinner, in which he analyzes human behavior, encompassing what is traditionally called language, linguistics, or speech. [Citation first=Mecca |last=Chiesa title=Radical Behaviorism: The… … Wikipedia
Verbal reasoning — is understanding and reasoning using concepts framed in words. It aims at evaluating ability to think constructively, rather than at simple fluency or vocabulary recognition.Verbal reasoning intelligence testsVerbal reasoning tests of… … Wikipedia
Verbal dictation — describes a theory about how the Holy Spirit was involved with the people who first physically indited the Bible. According to this theory, the human role was a purely mechanical one: their individuality was by passed whilst they wrote, and… … Wikipedia
understanding — I adj. understanding about, of II n. agreement 1) to arrive at, come to, reach an understanding 2) a clear; secret; tacit; verbal; written understanding 3) an understanding about; with (we reached a tacit understanding with them about the matter) … Combinatory dictionary
understanding — noun 1 knowledge of a subject, of how sth works, etc. ADJECTIVE ▪ complete, comprehensive, full ▪ He showed a full understanding of the sequence of events. ▪ growing ▪ accurate … Collocations dictionary
understanding — Synonyms and related words: IQ, Spartan, Vernunft, abatement of differences, acceptation, accepting, acclamation, accommodation, accord, accordance, accordant, acute, adjustment, affinity, agape, agreeable, agreeing, agreement, agreement of all,… … Moby Thesaurus
verbal — adj. Verbal is used with these nouns: ↑abuse, ↑aggression, ↑agreement, ↑assault, ↑assurance, ↑attack, ↑command, ↑communication, ↑confirmation, ↑confrontation, ↑consent, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
oral, verbal — The 1960 understanding . . . was a verbal understanding that was never written down (New York Times). Because oral can apply only to the spoken word, it would have been a better choice here. Verbal, which can describe both spoken and written… … Dictionary of troublesome word
oral, verbal — The 1960 understanding . . . was a verbal understanding that was never written down (New York Times). Because oral can apply only to the spoken word, it would have been a better choice here. Verbal, which can describe both spoken and written… … Dictionary of troublesome word
oral, verbal, aural — Oral means spoken rather than written and of or pertaining to the mouth. Verbal means associated with words. Verbal can and does refer to what is written; oral does not. Be careful in using oral and verbal with words like agreement, promise, and… … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
Conducta Verbal (libro) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Conducta Verbal (en inglés: Verbal Behavior) es un libro escrito en 1957 por el psicólogo B. F. Skinner en 1957. En esta obra, el autor analiza la conducta humana, cubriendo lo que tradicionalmente llamado lenguaje,… … Wikipedia Español