verbal order
Смотреть что такое "verbal order" в других словарях:
verbal — ver•bal [[t]ˈvɜr bəl[/t]] adj. 1) of or consisting of words: verbal ability[/ex] 2) use spoken rather than written; oral: verbal communication[/ex] 3) concerned with words only, rather than with the ideas, facts, or realities expressed: a purely… … From formal English to slang
Verbal abuse — (also called reviling) is a form of abusive behavior involving the use of language. It is a form of profanity in that it can occur with or without the use of expletives. Whilst oral communication is the most common form of verbal abuse, it… … Wikipedia
Order of Friars Minor — Order of Friars Minor † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Order of Friars Minor (Also known as FRANCISCANS.) This subject may be conveniently considered under the following heads: I. General History of the Order; A. First Period (1209… … Catholic encyclopedia
order — I n. request for merchandise or services 1) to give, place, put in; make out, write out an order 2) to fill; take an order (has the waiter taken your order?) 3) to cancel an order 4) a prepublication; rush; shipping; side (esp. AE); standing… … Combinatory dictionary
verbal — verbally, adv. /verr beuhl/, adj. 1. of or pertaining to words: verbal ability. 2. consisting of or in the form of words: verbal imagery. 3. expressed in spoken words; oral rather than written: verbal communication; verbal agreement. 4.… … Universalium
verbal — Strictly, of or pertaining to words; expressed in words, whether spoken or written, but commonly in spoken words; hence, by confusion, spoken; oral. Parol; by word of mouth; as, verbal agreement, verbal evidence; or written, but not signed, or… … Black's law dictionary
Order of World Scouts — The Order of World Scouts The emblem is based on the Fleur de lis of Florence Country … Wikipedia
order — noun 1》 the arrangement or disposition of people or things according to a particular sequence or method. ↘a state in which everything is in its correct place. ↘a state in which the laws and rules regulating public behaviour are observed.… … English new terms dictionary
Order of the Apostles of the Last Days — The Order of the Apostles of the Last Days is a Roman Catholic religious order proposed by the visionary Mélanie Calvat claiming guidance from Our Lady of La Salette at a private apparition on 19 September 1846 on the mountain of La Salette in… … Wikipedia
Math–verbal achievement gap — Graph showing the Math–Verbal Achievement Gap in the United States The math–verbal achievement gap is a phenomenon first observed by Richard Rothstein in a brief, 2002 article written in The New York Times.[1 … Wikipedia
Law & Order — Title card Format Police procedural Legal drama … Wikipedia