

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "ventilates" в других словарях:

  • ventilates — ven·ti·late || ventleɪt / tɪl v. provide with fresh air, air out, freshen; raise a point or question for discussion; supply the blood with oxygen …   English contemporary dictionary

  • ventilator — noun Date: 1743 one that ventilates: as a. a contrivance for introducing fresh air or expelling foul or stagnant air b. respirator 2 …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Pietro Mascagni — in 1903 Pietro Antonio Stefano Mascagni (December 7, 1863 – August 2, 1945) was an Italian composer most noted for his operas. His 1890 masterpiece Cavalleria rusticana caused one of the greatest sensations in opera history and single handedly… …   Wikipedia

  • Sokol space suit — The Sokol space suit (Russian: Cокол, Falcon ) is a type of Russian space suit, worn by anyone who flies on the Soyuz spacecraft. It was introduced in 1973 and is still used as of 2008. The Sokol is described by its makers as a rescue suit… …   Wikipedia

  • Varanus salvadorii — at the Cincinnati Zoo Scientific classification Kingdom: Animali …   Wikipedia

  • Ventilation/perfusion ratio — In respiratory physiology, the ventilation/perfusion ratio (or V/Q ratio) is a measurement used to assess the efficiency and adequacy of the matching of two variables: [LoyolaMedEd|Medicine/pulmonar/physio/pf9.htm#q1] * V ventilation the air… …   Wikipedia

  • Ventilator-associated lung injury — Ventilator associated lung injury, also known by the abbreviation VALI, is lung injury thought to be due to artifical (mechanical) ventilation.EtiologyVALI is thought to be caused by multiple factors.Fact|date=March 2008 The human lung normally… …   Wikipedia

  • ventilator — /ven tl ay teuhr/, n. 1. a person or thing that ventilates. 2. a contrivance or opening for replacing foul or stagnant air with fresh air. 3. Med. a respirator. [1735 45; VENTILATE + OR2] * * * …   Universalium

  • late — ablate accablâtes accolâtes accouplâtes acculâtes accumulâtes adulâtes affabulâtes affalâtes affilâtes affolâtes agenouillâtes aiguillâtes aillâtes allâtes amblâtes amoncelâtes annihilâtes annulâtes appareillâtes appelâtes articulâtes assemblâtes …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • lâtes — accablâtes accolâtes accouplâtes acculâtes accumulâtes adulâtes affabulâtes affalâtes affilâtes affolâtes agenouillâtes aiguillâtes aillâtes allâtes amblâtes amoncelâtes annihilâtes annulâtes appareillâtes appelâtes articulâtes assemblâtes… …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • ventilate — [[t]ve̱ntɪleɪt[/t]] ventilates, ventilating, ventilated 1) VERB If you ventilate a room or building, you allow fresh air to get into it. [V n] Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping... [V n] The pit is ventilated by a steel fan. [V ed] …   English dictionary

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