Смотреть что такое "venenous" в других словарях:
venenous — SYN: poisonous. [L. venenosus] * * * ven·e·nous (venґə nəs) [L. venenosus] venomous … Medical dictionary
venenous — ven·e·nous … English syllables
venenous — ˈvenənəs adjective Etymology: Late Latin venenosus, from Latin venenum poison + osus ose : poisonous, venomous … Useful english dictionary
venenose — /ven euh nohs /, adj. venomous; poisonous. Also, venenous /ven euh neuhs/. [1665 75; < LL venenosus, equiv. to L venen(um) drug, VENOM + osus OSE1] * * * … Universalium
poisonous — Characterized by, having the characteristics of, or containing a poison. SYN: toxic (1), toxicant (1), toxiferous, venenous. * * * poi·son·ous pȯiz nəs, ən əs adj having the properties or effects of poison: VENOMOUS … Medical dictionary
baleful — Synonyms and related words: apocalyptic, bad, baneful, bitchy, black, bodeful, boding, corroding, corrosive, corrupting, corruptive, counterproductive, cussed, damaging, dark, deadly, deleterious, detrimental, dire, direful, disadvantageous,… … Moby Thesaurus
baneful — Synonyms and related words: apocalyptic, appalling, atrocious, awful, bad, baleful, beastly, black, bodeful, boding, brutal, calamitous, cataclysmal, cataclysmic, catastrophic, consuming, consumptive, corroding, corrosive, corrupting, corruptive … Moby Thesaurus
catching — Synonyms and related words: alluring, annexational, appealing, appetizing, attractive, beguiling, bewitching, blandishing, cajoling, captivating, charismatic, charming, coaxing, come hither, communicable, confiscatory, contagious, coquettish,… … Moby Thesaurus
communicable — Synonyms and related words: allowable, assignable, bequeathable, bestowable, catching, conductive, consignable, contagious, conveyable, deadly, destructive, devisable, endemic, envenomed, epidemial, epidemic, epiphytotic, epizootic, expansive,… … Moby Thesaurus
contagious — Synonyms and related words: assignable, catching, communicable, conductive, consignable, conveyable, deadly, destructive, endemic, envenomed, epidemial, epidemic, epiphytotic, epizootic, expressable, impartable, infectious, infective, inoculable … Moby Thesaurus
corrosive — Synonyms and related words: ablative, acerb, acerbate, acerbic, acid, acidic, acidulent, acidulous, acrid, acrimonious, actual cautery, angry, baleful, baneful, biodegradable, biting, bitter, brand, brand iron, branding iron, caustic, cauter,… … Moby Thesaurus