Смотреть что такое "veneer-smoothing" в других словарях:
Glossary of woodworking terms — This page is a glossary of woodworking terms.AlphanumericTOC align=center nobreak= numbers= seealso= externallinks= references= top=|A* Applied carving background which is worked separately and then applied, rather than being worked in place.B*… … Wikipedia
Wood flooring — is a type of flooring made from the timber of hardwoods, or of spruce or hard pine. There are two basic manufactured types of hardwood. Wood flooring comes unfinished, and once installed is sanded, then finished on site. More modernly, the… … Wikipedia
hand tool — any tool or implement designed for manual operation. * * * Introduction any of the implements used by craftsmen in manual operations, such as chopping, chiseling, sawing, filing, or forging. Complementary tools, often needed as auxiliaries to… … Universalium
Plasterwork — refers to construction or ornamentation done with plaster, such as a layer of plaster on an interior wall or plaster decorative moldings on ceilings or walls. This is also sometimes called pargeting. The process of creating plasterwork, called… … Wikipedia
scratch — Synonyms and related words: ablation, abort, abrade, abrasion, abrasive, adequate, anamorphosis, attrition, autolithograph, bad likeness, barbouillage, bark, barley, be a printmaker, belch, bezel, bird seed, birthmark, blackhead, blare, blat,… … Moby Thesaurus