Смотреть что такое "veldschoen" в других словарях:
veldschoen — ˈveltˌskün, ˈfe noun (plural veldschoens nz ; or veldschoen n) Etymology: modification of Afrikaans velskoen, from vel skin (from Middle Dutch) + skoen shoe, from Middle Dutch schoe, schoen; akin to Old High German fel skin and to Old English… … Useful english dictionary
veldschoen — veld·schoen … English syllables
veldtschoen — Britain variant of veldschoen … Useful english dictionary
vel|schoen — «VEHL SKUN, FEHL », noun, plural schoens, schoen|en « SKUN uhn». (in South Africa) a light shoe made of untanned hide: »From the shapeless roof of his hat to the soft, handmade velschoens he was the human counterpart of the desert (Harper s).… … Useful english dictionary